
Well-Known Member

Can anyone give me a rough idea as to how much I'd have to pay to have new timing belt fitted to my 2.5 n/a?


Can anyone give me a rough idea as to how much I'd have to pay to have new timing belt fitted to my 2.5 n/a?

Nowt if ya do it ur self. get the rave CD and save urself loads of money.
I don't dare do it meself. What do you use to lock each timing cog in place?
going to have my n/a belt changed to. the belts costing £18 so just the labour charge on top of that. so I'm hoping no more than around £80. I know I should do it my self but have this terrible fear of getting it wrong.
You need to rise above that fear and think 'how hard can it be' It is your right as a human to bugger up your own belongings and its good for your humility to have to be towed to the garage when you have buggered it up and tell the man 'hello, I've buggered this up again'. I've enjoyed buggering everything up since my earliest memory of the first thing I buggered up. I hope to continue buggering thing up for many many years to come.

Roll your sleaves up and have a go at buggering it up.
yup is good fun buggering things up and sorting them again,have done this wi me chainsws a lot but I depend on my landy to get my gear and myself to where I,m going, so thats why I ,m not tempted to do this my self. as for pos ,he knows the score with him self.
Ask yourself this question:

Must it necessarily be the case that you are a more stupid, more ham-fisted, more careless, more ignorant person than the mechanic in the garage who will do the job if you don't?

If the answer is "yes", sell the LandRover because probably you can't afford to keep it on the road.

Changing the cam belt is EASY.

Setting the timing is EASY

Tensioning the belt is EASY but it needs a holding torque wrench and another hand helps a lot.

NO part of this job is difficult. But NEVER EVER use force when something resists you - unless it's your woman of course.

How much fuel for playing with can £80 buy - or beer?

Alright, I'll have a look at geeting to the actual thing. Do i need to remove anything besides the casing to get at it ie. hoist the engine out / remove the cooler and fan?
bought all the bits for my 200 tdi , belt , water pump gasket and tensioner , aint got round to it yet , AJD land rover quoted me 200 squids to do it , 4 hr job , i'm gonna give it a go meself
Im lucky I just bought a 200tdi wi belt done 5000 miles ago so wont need to attempt to bugger things up for a while although i just removed the font prop to do a uj and thought i will drive into work tomorrow and change the uj but then had one of those Homer simpson moments when i remembered "it wont bloody drive without the front prop dumnuts" so guess i just buggered it!
Im lucky I just bought a 200tdi wi belt done 5000 miles ago so wont need to attempt to bugger things up for a while although i just removed the font prop to do a uj and thought i will drive into work tomorrow and change the uj but then had one of those Homer simpson moments when i remembered "it wont bloody drive without the front prop dumnuts" so guess i just buggered it!

just lock yer center diff !

It'll be rite;)
Ok Ok everybody laugh at the newbie! just had to use a bit of brute force to move the bloddy lever SIDEWAYS didnt know it went that way.
God i love this forum so damn usefull
But drive GENTLY because ALL the torque is now going to the back axle only so it is getting twice the twist it expects.

Do not use low range ... you do know about low range huh?

yes i understand the low range concept thing, just never had to move the lever sideways before on this landy or my last one guess i just never needed to, pehaps if id known bout sideways i wouldnt have had to dig myself out of 3 foot of snow when i decided to go across lanark golf course at 2 in the mornin a few years ago but thats a different story

So that was YOU huh?

Keep your head down, and stay clear of that golf course!

If you are still in the area let me know and maybe I can give you a guide with the goddam timing belt.

bought all the bits for my 200 tdi , belt , water pump gasket and tensioner , aint got round to it yet , AJD land rover quoted me 200 squids to do it , 4 hr job , i'm gonna give it a go meself

If you do it, I'll do it

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