
New Member
Hi folks! How the devil are you all?

Well, as the heading says, I am calling it a day with the beast. It is going up for sale in the next week.
Needs are needs and had to go for a newer more economical car.

I would just like to say a big thank you to everyone who has been helping me out with the problems in the past.

I'll still pop in and see what's going on from time to time. If I'm allowed to. :)

Shame - but you'll be back, the Range Rover has a strong tug on hearts strings!
Shame - but you'll be back, the Range Rover has a strong tug on hearts strings!

Hmmm I did think that when I had one. Now it's gone I'm not sure if have another.

My ownership...... Sorry relationship in hindsight was one I'm rather glad to see the back of.
I say relationship as that's exactly what it was, I loved it more than anything else I owned, so you don't mind taking it our for meals, feeding it new shiney parts and getting drunk on copious amounts of fuel.
But after a while you realise that's all it wants from you, you realise that it wasn't the relationship you once thought it was, and all you have been doing for the past few years is tending to a terminally ill partner. They try to love you back, but your account is now empty and all you do every day is go to work to earn money to keep it's struggling heart beating. But for reasons unknown to you you grow to resent them, which makes you feel bad because you know in your heart that it's not their fault, that's the life they were given by their creators.

At this point it's best to say goodbye and send them on to another to fall deeeeep into the seductive moneypit that is range rover ownership.

Mines gone. Good riddence, I have money again, I have a life, I no longer live everyday in fear of what will break? And ultimately how much will it cost me this time?

Well done sas1810 it's a difficult relationship to get out of, but you free now.
Get back out ther, thers plenty more cars on the road
A guy who lives near me has just got rid of his ultra-low mileage P38 as it was problem after problem, my P38 is a third car so I don't rely on it to get to work - probably just as well!

Good luck with whatever car you get next - my mercedes has been a faithfull daily driver if you are looking for a pointer on reliability :)

I think the OP was selling once before but changed his mind.

Yes Keith, I was selling before lol.

It's deffo this time. can't get 3 cars on the drive :):):)

Not that it's being unreliable, in fact the only twice it has let me down was the belt shredding, and a burst hose. Other than that everything has been preventive.
It is running well, and has just had a new screen fitted too.

I dare say that 1 day I will ha e another, but not as yet.

Not telling you the car I've bought because you'll just roll on the floor laughing. Or might do. Lol
Yes Keith, I was selling before lol.

It's deffo this time. can't get 3 cars on the drive :):):)

Not that it's being unreliable, in fact the only twice it has let me down was the belt shredding, and a burst hose. Other than that everything has been preventive.
It is running well, and has just had a new screen fitted too.

I dare say that 1 day I will ha e another, but not as yet.

Not telling you the car I've bought because you'll just roll on the floor laughing. Or might do. Lol
Good luck with whatever it is, I'd be in a Pajero if I had the cash:)

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