
Well-Known Member
GLASS has received an appeal from the National Trust for help to keep the fantastic Tilberthwaite Lane open. They need £4,000 for repairs, I have set up a just giving page to assist with this. I also intend to ask if they would like volunteers to work with them. Donations will be greatly appreciated and will show our commitment to working with other organisations to protect the lanes. Also anyone who would be prepared to help if necessary, please post on here. Thanks
Depending upon when the works will be carried out, then I'd volunteer - weekends only. Can only say yes or no, can't I?

To clarify - if the appeal gets 4 grand then the work will get carried out regardless of volunteer numbers? Not, oh we've got £4000 but there's no one to actually do the job...
Thank you everyone :D

Diff the work starts next week on the easy bit. We have already raised £1,000 :D

The second one is more difficult and will require stone to be transported up the lane. We dont have a date for that yet, but that will require volunteers.

We cant work on the actual walls, they are so dangerous they have specialists and cant let anyone else work under them.
Thank you everyone :D We are now at 54% with donations from 4x4 people, the TRF and other biker groups together with laning trip providers. A real joint effort to save this lane :D
56% now

You can now donate to the Tilberthwaite Lane Appeal by text. Help GLASS & The National Trust to keep this lane open to vehicles
Just text TILB86 £1 (or a different amount) to 70070. And don’t forget to claim Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%, at no extra cost to you.
Great little initiative, sets a great example, happy to donate.

£4k sounds a hell of a lot better to save a lane than blowing £60k in legal fees ;)
Tilberthwaite Lane Appeal
Thank you to everyone who has donated, a fantastic effort from all of the laning community. We are now at 75% of the total, which has far exceeded my expectations. It would be absolutely fantastic if we could raise the whole amount. Work has already started on the first section of walling.
Donations can be made on the Just Giving Page below, the money goes direct to the National Trust or you can text TILB86 £1 (or a different amount) to 70070. Text donations go direct to the Just Giving page and show on the total. And don’t forget to claim Gift Aid to increase your donation by 25%, at no extra cost to you.

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