
New Member
just got my first landrover its a discovery tdi 1993 iam having problems starting but when running it wont tick over the revs keep rising then falling and eventually cuts out any one have any ideas
check your fuel lines for holes (letting in air etc), check your filter and sedimenter aint blocked. check the lift/injector pumps are working.

all fluid and lubricant levels check out (ur not loosing coolant etc)? a compression test would be a good idea as well.

edit : also check injectors.
Get the engine warmed up first, and then set about this process.
I am assuming you have a Lucas CAV DPS injection pump, though the Bosch one works much the same.

You see, I think a previous expert has adjusted it wrongly, and made a bees' bollocks of it. What you MUST achieve is to set up the injection pump so that FOR SURE, the tickover speed is controlled ONLY by the separate tickover lever. If you don't achieve this state, the fuel pump can not slip into START-UP MODE, which it should do whenever it stops or when is turning over only at starter-motor cranking speed, say under 120 rpm.

I think your one sounds like the tickover is being held on by the main throttle lever, which might be OK while the motor is running, but stuffs your chances of getting it started on a cold morning.

This is because the "cold start" system inside the injection pump is disabled as soon as you press the throttle down, which makes the injection timing go to normal, and shuts off the excess fuel device. If your tickover is set on the main throttle lever, it probably will not set "cold start mode" either at all, or fully.

FIRST thing to do is to back off the THROTTLE LEVER as far as it will go. This will mean unlocking the little nut and bolt that the throttle lever leans on at rest. Unscrew the little bolt and let the lever go back as far as it can go.

Now start the engine. If it wont start that's GOOD news. Slip a matchstick between the tickover lever and its stopper to hold the lever open a bit. The tickover lever cannot overspeed the engine so get wired in to it. Try to start her up again. Assuming she goes, you know you need to bring the tickover stop out a bit till she ticks over nicely, between 650 and 700 revs. Lock the tickover stop about there.

Now bring the main throttle lever out till it JUST speeds up the engine, then BACK IT OFF a turn. Make sure it still gets the throttle lever all the way over when the GO pedal is decked.

Should help, and easy to do.

thanks for your help with my problem.It turned out that the sediment filter is cracked.Anyone know if you can replace it with a standard fuel filter as new one cost a fortune.Thanks
thanks for your help with my problem.It turned out that the sediment filter is cracked.Anyone know if you can replace it with a standard fuel filter as new one cost a fortune.Thanks

Rimmer Bros do 1 for £37
thanks for your help with my problem.It turned out that the sediment filter is cracked.Anyone know if you can replace it with a standard fuel filter as new one cost a fortune.Thanks

i did on my owld Disco cost me a squid for an inline plaggy one, an job sortid !;)

wunt make any difference unless yer gunner be puttin ****e fuel in or fillin up durin sand storms. which aint likely in the UK ;)

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