weeee man

New Member
hey, my 200 tdi conversion engine is ticking and dont know where its comining from, it does it when im going along and if i put in neutral while going along and hold accelerator steady you can still hear it!! though what confuses me is if i put it in gear and take foot off accelerator i can still hear it then too. any ideas anyone as it doing my nut in lol its not loud just enuff to annoy :confused:
nah its a slight ticking it not tappets as can hear them fine lol and what do i do with them now you mention um?
got similar on my conversion.....traced it to power steering pump (not in use) blanked it off and filled with oil and its alot better though can still hear it.
Head gasket gone between no.4 cylinder and atmosphere? Try sticking your hand down the back of the engine (between the cylinder head and the bulkhead) and see if you can feel it spitting at you.

Could be that the speedo cable is starting to break up and is catching somewhere on the outer cable. I had this happen on a series that I used to have, just pull out the cable and check its condition.

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