
New Member
Hi all, wonder if someone could shed some light on the following for me? My 1.8 petrol (00) Freelander has started to make a loud thud noise when reversing - it sounds like something is slipping out or disengaging, but the gears don't slip. The gears had been slipping a few months back so I had the gear-link (?) underneath replaced - could this be the related?? It only happens when I'm reversing, and only when I'm turning the wheels (if I reverse in a straight line it's ok). Since this started to happen, I've also noticed a strange whine coming from the engine when driving - again, it's intermittent, but it wasn't there before the thud started. I often get a loud clump in the back when I'm accelerating but I've figured out how to avoid that when changing gears generally. This thud when reversing is a completely new one!
My personal guess would be -

A) Rear diff bush (Old fave).
B) Prop-shaft bolts loose.

Check there is no movement of the rear diff and if that fails make sure ALL the prop shaft bolts are nice and tight. If they work loose they can cause a "CLONK" noise when reversing especially on lock.
I'm with Tiny on the rear bushes being shot, its not a hard job to do DIY and the parts are about £20.

Thanks for your suggestions - I'm relieved to hear that it's not a big (or expensive) job! I only have the car 8 months, and already had the HG replaced, the catalytic converter replaced, gear link bar, brakes done, windscreen replaced, tyres replaced, not to mention the regular service! I'm sick of everyone telling me that I bought a lemon, and should get rid of it! If this had been another biggie I'd never live it down. :rolleyes:
Sounds like youve sorted your motor out now. so it aint a lemon any more...def sounds like diff bush to me aswell get it sorted and start enjoying yer wheels matey...:)
MCreed said:
Thanks for your suggestions - I'm relieved to hear that it's not a big (or expensive) job! I only have the car 8 months, and already had the HG replaced, the catalytic converter replaced, gear link bar, brakes done, windscreen replaced, tyres replaced, not to mention the regular service! I'm sick of everyone telling me that I bought a lemon, and should get rid of it! If this had been another biggie I'd never live it down. :rolleyes:

I've been feeling the same after reading all the slating Freelander's get in reviews...We'll show 'em....Well, once we get these little problems fixed
Marwood said:
I've been feeling the same after reading all the slating Freelander's get in reviews...We'll show 'em....Well, once we get these little problems fixed

Do not let everyone kid you.. Most of the people who post will be looking for a fix for a problem, but there will be many more Freelander owners who browse the site and do not become members as they have no need to ask for advice, but enjoy the postings of others. I joined the forum to ask the average price of regassing my air/con, not exactly a major problem. I drive a 51 plate 1.8 petrol and have had a few niggles in three years but nothing major. I must agree some of the posts make it look like we have all bought expensive ornaments for the drive / repair centre forecourt, but mine is fine, I enjoy driving it and I've probably cursed myself now and will spend a fortune on repairs over the next few months.. Rock
Same as usual this morning Mondo, ****ing wet but why worry I can still wash the car tomorrow with a HOSE if I feel like it..
MCreed said:
One last question... would the rear diff bush cause an intermittent whine noise?

Yeah, could do. If the bush is completely out of its tiny mind it can cause the rear diff to push upwards so far under load that the UJ on the prop starts to rub a nice clean patch on your floor pan uder the boot. If you notice the rear diff on your back seat this could be the cause. :D
Hi all, just thought I'd post an update on my "thud" problem... so far the car has been in the garage for the past three weeks - :mad: Personally, I think that the mechanic is being a bit of a git but there's nothing I can do until he fixes it. What started off as a thud when reversing with the wheel locked, turned into a grating noise while driving, so I dropped it straight to the garage informing the mechanic that it was "probably the prop shaft bolts or the rear bushes" (he looked like he'd just seen a flying pig - I mean, how could a woman possibly even know what these terms meant, let alone pose a theory on what might be wrong underneath a car... ;) ). That will be three weeks ago next Friday. He's telling me some bushes were gone (probably just to make me feel better) but now he's saying that the transfer box is gone. I can't understand how he can tell that when he hasn't even taken it out to check yet. Anyhow, bottom line is he gave me a price of 2,500.00 euro to have it fixed - that was with a new part costing 2,000 euro and labour costing 500. He told me that under no circumstances could a reconditioned part be put in as it would just go again. Anyhow, in spite of him, I've found a reconditioned part and given it to him to put in - part cost me 700 euro. That was given to him last Friday, and it's still not in!!! He's telling me I should have the car back on Wed, and then I need to get rid of it as fast as possible as this transfer box will only go again????? I am gutted as I love my Freelander, even though I've spent a fortune on bits so far. Is it possible that I've just bought a lemon and it's better to cut my losses at this stage?? Anyone any thoughts on this whole transfer box saga??? :confused: I think that when a mechanic sees a woman standing in the forecourt, they just make up any old rubbish to make her go away.

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