
Well-Known Member
So, while I've been getting quite intimate with the EAS again this week I happened to notice some signs of coolant hanging around and, after a bit of investigation, it appears to be coming from the TB heater. A bit of searching shows that a replacement plate is available.

Is this the most likely cause?

Also, happened to notice that one of the bolts holding the plate in sits hard against the rubber tube that heads down to the cam cover. There is no visible wear on that particular pipe but I'm wondering if it makes sense to replace all the connected hoses if I'm doing the plate?

Thanks :)

this one:
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Did mine a few weeks back & still has a slight leak (my indie said it would - bad gasket design). Bypassing it sounds like an option, once you take it apart you do wonder what purpose its serving.
I put a new one on about 6 months ago, just spotted it weeping again so have replaced with yet another new one but have smeared some sealant on the new gasket this time to see if that works, if not will just bypass it.
you will get a permanant fix if you simply sand the plate flat,throw away the gasket and use instant gasket instead.
you will get a permanant fix if you simply sand the plate flat,throw away the gasket and use instant gasket instead.

That was my thought - some instant gasket would take up any pits etc.

You reckon just using the one that's on it just now or on a new replacement?
the problem is that the alloy plate is too thin/weak for a central bolt to apply pressure over the whole tighten the bolt and the gasket compresses,over time it starts to weep so you tighten it a little more and the plate starts to bend in the I said earlier if you sand it flat and use instant gasket you will have no further trouble as there is nothing to deform(I ground mine flat on a surface grinder but a bit of sandpaper on a flat surface will do) ps the original will do fine
Did all that and still leaked. I just put a copper pipe bypas in it so some heat will get to the TB. Pain in the arse design and can take up lots of time you could be spendin on the 100 other jobs needed to do on this motor. We love them !!
Nobody heard of Hylomar then? It's over tightening that distorts the plate. Torque values are not published for nothing.
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