
De Villes Advocaat
Mi headlights made a nice orange glow on the road just ahead. A tad close perhaps but to the left. Started looking different about five weeks ago. A little smaller and more circular.
Seems one of them blew 😳

More sealed beam on their way. Let’s see if they can outlive me 🤣
I noticed a wobble in one of the headlights a couple of weeks back and on closer inspection one
of the bowls was pretty much rusted through. Lots of plastic bowls and fittings on the market but I went for metal to keep her credibility up and to balance that opted to try out halogen units on the basis of its apparently a straight swap and easy peasy. I’ll let you know.
Some years ago swapped mine out for halogen. Had to get used to using the dip switch again as I did not bother with the old sealed beam one's and no one ever flashed me.:D
Some years ago swapped mine out for halogen. Had to get used to using the dip switch again as I did not bother with the old sealed beam one's and no one ever flashed me.:D
I was out on the fringe of Dartmoor round about February and there was a power cut. I think my head torch was more help that night. I haven’t been that bothered about dim lights before, a bit paranoid about them not being on when they are actually working, as most of our roads are lit to some level but I suppose age makes you a bit more cautious.
I noticed a wobble in one of the headlights a couple of weeks back and on closer inspection one
of the bowls was pretty much rusted through. Lots of plastic bowls and fittings on the market but I went for metal to keep her credibility up and to balance that opted to try out halogen units on the basis of its apparently a straight swap and easy peasy. I’ll let you know.
I replaced the bowls years ago with ‘metal most origin Lucas honourable prospective client’ ones.
Just rip off copies 🙄 with a very badly applied Lucas stencil.
I did blather them with grease before fitting the lamp. 😉
Still waiting for my headlights 😙

I’ll replace both and keep the other for a spare. It was getting a little difficult to see the light through the moss and lichen.

Never keen on an upgrade. I like the dull orange glow. Bit like the welcome of a coal fire. With less smoke from coal obviously 😳
Woohoo. Just delivered. I’ll pop out and nail em on. 👍

Even the rain is only bouncing six inches 😳
I was out on the fringe of Dartmoor round about February and there was a power cut. I think my head torch was more help that night. I haven’t been that bothered about dim lights before, a bit paranoid about them not being on when they are actually working, as most of our roads are lit to some level but I suppose age makes you a bit more cautious.
I found an old cracked spotlight and chucked that on the front valance. Turned out it was a fog light and slightly less bright than the full beam.
Still. Looks awesome. 🤔
What a perlava. I think I might have fallen into the Lucas trap but we are there sort of. Getting the old bowls out required a dremel and lots of patience but the new ones were a tester. Many of the holes didn’t line up so a bit of drilling was required and the chrome ring didn’t seem to line up with anything………. but it’s all in. Sadly despite buying all new the key component is the old inner tube that packs everything in tight before putting the bevel panel on. And that’s when I noticed one of the gaskets had fallen off the bonnet and was under the wheel. Oh well.
The headlights look a bit deeper in the housing than before so I might loosen the spring bolts a few turns tomorrow if my nerve holds.
Waxoyl was going on this morning but it’s hammering down so maybe later. There is a slight gap between the headlamp unit itself and the rim which I didn’t have before so potentially there is going to be a small pond at the lowest point to dab out from time to time but it all seems solid enough.
I never realised how rotted through the old bowls were as it was seemingly years of finely baked crud holding them together.
Waxoyl was going on this morning but it’s hammering down so maybe later. There is a slight gap between the headlamp unit itself and the rim which I didn’t have before so potentially there is going to be a small pond at the lowest point to dab out from time to time but it all seems solid enough.
I never realised how rotted through the old bowls were as it was seemingly years of finely baked crud holding them together.
When I put my new chinesium bowls in I blathered them in grease. This was the first time I’d been back in there for something like five years and the grease is still good. 👍

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