just emptied out the treasures from me talbot express van, dragged it out the brambles where its been for several years..... scrappy turned up with a 20 foot alloy box on his recovery truck, dragged that off with the disco and winched the talbot on, then we dragged out a ldv 400 emptied that out into the box and hooked it behind the truck with a grotty ratchet strap.... scrapped a bit of the green mold of the windscreen and they dissapeered off down the road.... only going about 10 mile.... didnt seem worried about lack of any form of working rear lights .... well the tyres were up, going round and the brakes and steering apeared to function .
got to find time now to sort through 2 van loads of boxes of left over tiles, cement mixer , assorted tools ,ladders, bags of disco bits etc and get it into some sort of order in me new 20 foot alluminium shed.... guess the first job is getting a padlock on the roller shutter doors