so offering my landy up for sale in the "Land Rovers For Sale" section is not allowed??? i thought the guy had missed a series 3 on Ebay so offered mine for the right offer. if you have ****y fits with people talking landy sales in the for sale section then i wonder who the pr1cks are?
so offering my landy up for sale in the "Land Rovers For Sale" section is not allowed??? i thought the guy had missed a series 3 on Ebay so offered mine for the right offer. if you have ****y fits with people talking landy sales in the for sale section then i wonder who the pr1cks are?

No pricks it is just the rules.You are a cnut
so offering my landy up for sale in the "Land Rovers For Sale" section is not allowed??? i thought the guy had missed a series 3 on Ebay so offered mine for the right offer. if you have ****y fits with people talking landy sales in the for sale section then i wonder who the pr1cks are?

So you were offering it up for sale then you cnut.
Oh well ok then i wont make an offer on the Disco TD5 thats for sale on here then, if you guys would be kind enough to tell ianb4310 you just stopped me making him an offer on it be much appreciated. cya
Oh well ok then i wont make an offer on the Disco TD5 thats for sale on here then, if you guys would be kind enough to tell ianb4310 you just stopped me making him an offer on it be much appreciated. cya
Oi! That was dummy spitting taken to an elegantly infantile level. We see it a lot here so many of us are expert judges.

You sir, are an award winning baby. Well played.
:hysterically_laughi awesome......BleedinCampo you are a treasure :D

Would you like to tell me you won't be making an offer on my Landy that's not for sale?

That'll really learn us :p
Lmao - that little sabre rattling really brightened up this accountant's day

wos wif al de spelin misteaks recently? - This country's going to the dogs I tell the!!!

Bet he suffers terrible road rage!!

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