We should all drive our landys to downing street and ram raid number 10 and 11 :p

and yes country is fooked, makes me wonder why I bothered working since I was 16!

Trouble is all the big parties are as ****e as each other!
...youd run out of fuel and money halfway if that....:p:p:p
Trouble is all the big parties are as ****e as each other!
:amen: I reckon the old addage that anyone who wants to be a politician should be immediately excluded from being one. Doesn't seem to matter if they start out with the right intentions, either the delusion of power corrupts or just hanging out with the scumbags does it; it's the civil servants who wield the real power and create the crap we have to live with.
It doesn't work like that 'cause that just means the immigrants and benefit creeps now in the UK will vote for the most hostile government they can muster.
It doesn't work like that 'cause that just means the immigrants and benefit creeps now in the UK will vote for the most hostile government they can muster.

Too true , we gotta vote for a shock party this time, they wont get in but it will make a point!

And no I dont mean lib dem lol:D
Don't know if this is true or not but I have been told that when the VAT rate was reduced by 2% a surcharge of 2% was placed on the fuel duty because of the amount Govt would lose on fuel tax. When the VAT was brought back up again they didn't scrap the 2% surcharge which goes some way to explaining current prices.
Interested to hear if anybody knows anything more about that. I'm told it all happened very quietly.
Absolutely fantastic..... This thread starts with somebody complaining about how much it cost them to re fuel, and now, we are going to have a revolution, we are going to ram raid number 10 Downing street, vote for Hung Parliment, ban all immigartion workers and advertising for a job..... This forum never ceases to amaze me........keep it up you all..... without you Britain will never be Britain
They used the excuse that the price of crude oil went up before, but how come the oil companies stills make billions of pounds a year? I don't know why the government can't see what they're doing to the country, if all major manufacturers are pulling out of Britain because they can make their products elsewhere for less, wouldn't that make you think hold on, if all industry disappears we're going to lose x amount of tax from that side of things.? I think we need to lower tax. Its like when we suffered the cold winter, my mate was phoning our council to ask if they could come and grit our road. No didn't want to know, so what am I paying absurd amounts of council tax for? For three blokes to come and empty my bins once a week? Then you go 4 miles down the road in the "upper" class area, all their grit bins full to the brim with grit. As for the roads that we're tax payers contribute towards repairing? What a load of bol***ks! Other countries manage to live comfortably, look at Australia, once where convicts were sent to live in sin now close to paradise.
To be fair I live in an upper class part of town and we didnt get fook all help with the snow either mate , But the country is completley fooked.

If you think- like we had an en empire once so did the mongolians but look at them now- they are nothing.

We have a long way down to go before we start going back up!
"Don't know if this is true or not but I have been told that when the VAT rate was reduced by 2% a surcharge of 2% was placed on the fuel duty because of the amount Govt would lose on fuel tax. When the VAT was brought back up again they didn't scrap the 2% surcharge which goes some way to explaining current prices.
Interested to hear if anybody knows anything more about that. I'm told it all happened very quietly."

He put the 2p on a gallon that had been suspended in the previous September proper stealth tax....:doh: sorry 2p a litre
Can't see that been true because otherwise the price of fuel would have remained exactly the same X -2 +2 =X
Just did a bit of googling and he did indeed put a 2p surcharge on a litre but not a 2% increase as well.

It's currently approx 86p per litre in fuel duty.
didn't think it'd take long fer some numpty to start on about immigrants and the end of empire

Norman kinda got it right .......
didn't think it'd take long fer some numpty to start on about immigrants and the end of empire

Norman kinda got it right .......

If Britain was still a great country, They would have backed France in it's attempt to get Iraq to sell it oil on the European market, in Euros. The US's stranglehold on oil and oil prices would have been broken. We would never have invaded Iraq and the price of oil would be a lot fooking cheaper than it is now. Oh and the US would have ceased to be a world superpower by now.
Just did a bit of googling and he did indeed put a 2p surcharge on a litre but not a 2% increase as well.

It's currently approx 86p per litre in fuel duty.

what want know is what the ****!! happens to all that cash 86p a litre and what about the fookin road tax :mad: certainly dont go into any road repairs/new around here :mad:
probably paying for all the asilum seekers and social scroungers cnuts!:mad:
Ive given up trying to drive my s6 quattro. Aint worth the risks with the wheels and tyres getting ****ed over:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

86p , that what the whole thing used to cost and now its just that in tax??? , I guess petrol wont ever be 86p a litre at the pumps again :doh:
The anti pothole party.

was 86p a litre back in 2005......:(:(

Aaah you youngsters:rolleyes: less than 2 bob a gallon when I got my first car, fill the tank from nearly empty and get 2 bob (10p) change from a quid:D Only held 6 gallons mind:p

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