You just keep yer hands off his feckin bike !;)
Second thoughts

If yer teck it off him , he's ony gunner be comin on here telin every fecker how to spell.

I knew Slob shunt o lent his LZ book o propper wurds out to just anybody!
Should really enforce some rule about spelling/grammar.

You all appear to be a bunch of illiterate 14 year olds with too much spare time on your hands.
Well you know what they say...................If you don't like the place............Don't ****ing go there :p:p:p:p:p
All spelt out correctly, so that you can understand it easily ;)
Well you know what they say...................If you don't like the place............Don't ****ing go there :p:p:p:p:p
All spelt out correctly, so that you can understand it easily ;)

Too late blue his mums sent him off to bed. be gentle with him he's only a young un.
Should really enforce some rule about spelling/grammar.

You all appear to be a bunch of illiterate 14 year olds with too much spare time on your hands.

I will try to refrain from any childish insults.

well at least I tried.

This is a forum for landy fans, so there is no need for you bunch of rimmers bothering yourselves with it.
You would have to read every members postings to be able to state we all seem to be a bunch of illiterate blah blah blah whatever.
if you actualy used your eyes instead of your gob and read a few post you might realise that there is some very well educated people on here, with a few more brain cells than you ****s.
If they choose to spell words how they like that is up to them.
That includes myself if I wanoo.

You dont have to like it, you can allways fookin lump it.
Or just **** off back to your usuall ****stabbin sites where you probably spend most of ya time.

Dont expect a reply from me to your next round of abuse you bunch of fookin clowns.
You were a bit late i think mate.

Can't you tell it's a weekend? They've let this ****er out on weekend home leave again. Do me a favour and phone the hospital up, and tell them you've forgot your medication.

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