
Active Member
im a keen rock climber and i just went on a website that i used to go on whe i was young to find this

UKC Forums - BBC CountryFile - 4x4s in the peak

i forgot how much people on that website **** me off. gobbing of about 4x4's. 'tell you what mate, next time it snows and your stuck in your car unable to get home, i'll drive past you with the churchill salute and go and shag your wife for you'. Pricks

rant over
what about all the damage done over the years by walkers etc they never get the blame. and i bet all those bloody green bods drive to go walking.
then there is all the small children forced to make colthing to satisfy there hippocratic hobby.

sorry if im missing the point. its bit late
It only takes a few idiots to go tearing the place up and they dump the same **** on all 4x4 owners even if they never venture off the tarmac, although the group shown on country file were using a paid for field, they did come across as bunch of irresponsible pricks I thought.

Where were the green lane association or a couple of responsible landy drivers?? Oh I forgot, it's called media bias I think.
It only takes a few idiots to go tearing the place up and they dump the same **** on all 4x4 owners even if they never venture off the tarmac, although the group shown on country file were using a paid for field, they did come across as bunch of irresponsible pricks I thought.

Where were the green lane association or a couple of responsible landy drivers?? Oh I forgot, it's called media bias I think.

The media don't go in for balanced reporting it doesn't make for exiting press. If you think about any subject you've seen reported in any form of the media that you actually know about, they get it wrong, usually factually and mostly badly biased. If every topic you know about is badly reported then its a fare bet that the topics you don't know about are equally poorly presented.
countryfile is a program for nobhead people who live in towns and cities and go into the countryside on the weekends. A lot of them actually drive around in discos, gaylanders etc and see that as no issue because they are on the road, bit hypocritical i reckon
im a keen rock climber and i just went on a website that i used to go on whe i was young to find this

UKC Forums - BBC CountryFile - 4x4s in the peak

i forgot how much people on that website **** me off. gobbing of about 4x4's. 'tell you what mate, next time it snows and your stuck in your car unable to get home, i'll drive past you with the churchill salute and go and shag your wife for you'. Pricks

rant over
my local climbing wall is like that.They dont stock bnestle cos there immoral or some ****.I dont care, i want a chuffing kit kat!All hippy ****ers, i climb,hike and mtb in the country cos i liked it.I also went laning for the same reason-in v8.
I agree - have seen quite a few rants at 4x4s on UKC over the past few years. Although it's quite funny - whenever I've been in climbing areas in the Landy all the other climbers have loved it.

Mind you it suits them since I've taken all of ICMC's (Imperial College Mountaineering Club) stuff in the boot with 7 people in the Landy as well. It even provided some boulder problems when we were stuck on the M1 for 6 hours (involving a wheel, tub seal, window, door handle and roof). Rated it at an LRBV97 (Land Rover Bouldering V7 problem)...
Can't see the fookers refusing to be rescued by MRT in their 110's when they've taken a fall.. ****ers are happy to see a Landy then.

I used to drive me mate to rescue callouts (he was search manager for South Snowdonia Mountain Rescue. We had to drive up a forest lane and encounters a large group of Ramblers who refused to move over for us. whilst I was trying to get them to move off what they claimed was a footpath. theRAF rescue team's 110 with blue lights going. arrived behind us. They quickly moved out of the way. One of them even saidd "Oh you should have said you were mountain Rescue we'd have moved for you. He didn't like me telling him he was a cUUnt of the highest order.
Maybe we should mount machine guns on the front and just shoot them rather than be tarred with the same brush as the minority.....i have spent this week taking food out to people who can't get any......which they are unable to do....and they are (i know) the same people who wheel spin their way out of festival, national trust and heritage site car parks not to mention being generally miserable.....possibly!

Smile and wave boys, smile and wave.
Can't see the fookers refusing to be rescued by MRT in their 110's when they've taken a fall.. ****ers are happy to see a Landy then.

I used to drive me mate to rescue callouts (he was search manager for South Snowdonia Mountain Rescue. We had to drive up a forest lane and encounters a large group of Ramblers who refused to move over for us. whilst I was trying to get them to move off what they claimed was a footpath. theRAF rescue team's 110 with blue lights going. arrived behind us. They quickly moved out of the way. One of them even saidd "Oh you should have said you were mountain Rescue we'd have moved for you. He didn't like me telling him he was a cUUnt of the highest order.

haha quality, i can just imagine the look on that stuck up blokes face, what a nobber :D

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