Looking good!:cool: Just needs a set of wolf rims and some AT tyres and some LED lights and job’s a good ‘un!
Still not seem it in the flesh yet just pics, but going down tomorrow ,
Looking good!:cool: Just needs a set of wolf rims and some AT tyres and some LED lights and job’s a good ‘un!
Still not seem it in the flesh yet just pics, but going down tomorrow , just thought when you mentioned wolfe rims, we haven't done anything to wheels yet, think wolf rims are hard to get , need to decide what colour to paint wheels, I think the limestone white should do the trick, will decide tomorrow.
Well here it is, very pleased with it. think hes shorted the electrics out somewhere when putting lights back on, Indicators playing up but will sort that.


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Definitely needs a set of Wolf rims though... :cool: The tatty eight spokes don’t do the rest of the truck justice.

Definitely needs a set of Wolf rims though... :cool: The tatty eight spokes don’t do the rest of the truck justice.
You're Right there Mate, If I keep it I will definitely get some. Still thinking about parting with it though
I can already tell you you will regret selling mate! Looks great. You’ve just got tinkerer syndrome. It’s widely diagnosed on here
Problem is I am at the stage on my new project where I have to spend money on it, problem is I aint got no money to spend on it :eek: and at the end of the day I cant keep two, so I suppose its Needs Must, i think thsts what they say anyway.
Gonna have a look at the for sale sections to see what people are paying for Defenders, then think of a price to put on it.
Problem is I am at the stage on my new project where I have to spend money on it, problem is I aint got no money to spend on it :eek: and at the end of the day I cant keep two, so I suppose its Needs Must, i think thsts what they say anyway.
Gonna have a look at the for sale sections to see what people are paying for Defenders, then think of a price to put on it.

I get that. I’ve almost done the same by accident but my d1 can sit until I’m settled again. You’ve made me want to get my fender sprayed :oops::rolleyes:
Well I've thought long and hard about this and I've decided to Sell it. Needs must so once I've paid a few bills off I should have enough to get cracking on my Series Project.
I'm hopeless at writing advertisements but will have a go and get some pics and try it on here first before anywhere else.
I said that I wouldn't use Ebay but thinking about it it is one of the best places to get it out there for people to see, its just the amount of money they take off you when you sell.
Been watching others sell the last couple of weeks and some have sold for stupid money, needing welding on chassis , bulkhead or other work on brakes pipes, suspension ect ect, Mine has a couple of little niggly things but are nothing at all and are easy fixes, so hoping to get a good price.
Trying to sell without the Missus seeing what I finally get for it so will have to watch she does not see it advertised :D
Sorry to hear it’s going but someone will get a very nice Landy. Do what’s right for you, and be economical when it comes to the final price with the boss... ;)
If you must:(:(

There are places that don’t take any cut. I have used this before when looking,https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/free_advert.php

As for a price I really don’t know but would aim quite high to start. oh and give the missus a few quid for a shopping binge and you will be good for this winter in your shed:D:D

If you must:(:(

There are places that don’t take any cut. I have used this before when looking,https://www.carandclassic.co.uk/free_advert.php

As for a price I really don’t know but would aim quite high to start. oh and give the missus a few quid for a shopping binge and you will be good for this winter in your shed:D:D

Yes they do Auctions too, might be worth a try on there, that way she wont see it as shes always buying off ebay . Ill give her a few quid and she can waste it on the gran kids, horse or dogs like she usually does.
Well gone and done it put it on here . No going back now.
Probably forgot loads of things but its all on here anway.
As for price, well please be honest am I Mad, Greedy or Thick , but like I said before people are spending 6, 7, 8 grand upwards for Defenders with full years MOT, but probably wouldn't pass the next one without welding ect.
Mine is good for years yet .
As for price, well please be honest am I Mad, Greedy or Thick ,

I actually don’t think so.:) Good luck:). Bata room.

I am a bit out of the UK market recently, but you have done a great job and it’s a hell of a lot better than some of the offerings ;)


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