
Active Member
I'm thinking of having a tracker fitted to my 2014 90 XS Defender - I know very little about them and wondered if anyone has had one fitted (not necessarily to a Defender) and if there is anything I should be wary of before proceeding or indeed before contacting Tracker to discuss matters. I have been on the Tracker web site and noticed you can have a battery version or a number of wired in versions - which way should I go? The prices include the kit fitted but no mention of who fits them - do they send someone out to do it or do they have a network of local dealers? Are there similar products other than Tracker?
Any info would be appreciated.
There's a bunch of threads on here about trackers.

I've got the £20 Chinese one of amazon, which takes a sim card. Works very well IMO. You can pick a network that works well in your area (for me EE in Scotland). It's relatively inexpensive. Works with the back2u app.
"I'm thinking of having a tracker fitted - before contacting Tracker to discuss matters - I have been on the Tracker web site......"

From reading the above I assume you are looking at a genuine "Tracker"?

I have a Tracker in my motorcaravan and a Skytag in my 90.
Technical differences apart I can confirm that the customer service from Skytag is far better than Tracker, in fact if it wasn't for the fact that the Tracker was a factory-fit item, I have paid up-front for 5-years subscription and it gives a significant insurance discount I would go with Skytag every time.
Really appreciate everyone's input and I'm now persuaded that Skytag is the way to go - this is also backed up by the shooting forum I belong to where I posted the same enquiry. I did say that I was a complete novice at the time of posting and didn't realise that there are a number of different "trackers" out their.

Thanks again
Really appreciate everyone's input and I'm now persuaded that Skytag is the way to go - this is also backed up by the shooting forum I belong to where I posted the same enquiry. I did say that I was a complete novice at the time of posting and didn't realise that there are a number of different "trackers" out their.

Thanks again

Make sure Skytag is really the one you want, read lots of reviews, I've seen some where they've had trouble with coverage ...

The main advantage with TRACKER is that it uses FM as well as GPS, so is not easy to jam.
Most tracking devices can be jammed with a readily available device.
But any tracking device is good and well worth having.
Regardless of what tracker yer buy, yer need to make sure you test it regular. Some providers send a monthly email to confirm they have tested it but I have seen this happen and disconnecting the battery proved the tracker wasn't working propper. It didn't provide the battery disconnect alert.
Regardless of what tracker yer buy, yer need to make sure you test it regular. Some providers send a monthly email to confirm they have tested it but I have seen this happen and disconnecting the battery proved the tracker wasn't working propper. It didn't provide the battery disconnect alert.
Skytag sent an email every month
Skytag sent an email every month
Problem is it doesn't state what was tested and when, in the email. I have seen a tratter fitted with one fail. I told him he should fit a tracker and he said he had. I asked for a demo of what happens and he disconnected the battery and put his phone on the bonnet. Nothing happened. He logged into his online events and nothing showing other than 30 min updates saying it was still stationary next to us. He's seen it work previously when disconnecting the battery to weld it. He said he could see his movement history hadn't been updating fast enough for some time. Hence why peeps need to test their tracker irrespective of brand/supplier, regular.
Mine is a simple affair which is linked into the alarm system as well, and it has a PAYG SIM, which is set up to log into both my iPad and PC as soon as the alarm is either activated, depowered from the battery, or turned off.
It cost around £40 and the SIM is a couple of quid a month to top up.
We have tested it around the country and, apart from one area which had no signal at all, it has worked perfectly!
Mine is a simple affair which is linked into the alarm system as well, and it has a PAYG SIM, which is set up to log into both my iPad and PC as soon as the alarm is either activated, depowered from the battery, or turned off.
It cost around £40 and the SIM is a couple of quid a month to top up.
We have tested it around the country and, apart from one area which had no signal at all, it has worked perfectly!
Good to hear. It would still be a good idea to test it monthly just in case it ever fails. Trigger alarm etc it to see if it still works and sends the message.
Any tracking device is going to mean more chance of your Landy being recovered (50% chance statistically, as opposed to pretty much zero % without one)
I think the biggest issue is making sure the thieves don't actually find and remove whatever tracking device you've fitted.
What sort of battery life are you getting out of it?
It is connected to the vehicle power so it will work while ever the main battery is on, it also has a back up inside it which seems to run about 36 - 48 hrs after you disconnect it from the car supply, which is good because I hear some crooks disconnect the main battery to disable trackers.
It is connected to the vehicle power so it will work while ever the main battery is on, it also has a back up inside it which seems to run about 36 - 48 hrs after you disconnect it from the car supply, which is good because I hear some crooks disconnect the main battery to disable trackers.
It's true many do disconnect the battery. The tracker then has limited time if it has it's own battery. They often leave them parked up for a number of days to see if anyone finds it. If not then it's considered safe to move.

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