OK love my disco1 but thinking of a change to a series ?
Do love the look of a lightweight. Would like if poss a tax exempt
One I do some play days not many and prefer greenlaning
It would be used for mainly off road.
Are the early series good at of road I just don't seem to see
Many of them what are your views please
an early lightweight will probably go anywhere you want it to,
you can put big tyres on them due to the cut away arches,i
had a 1973 plate it was excellent,but beware of chassis rust
& dodgey electrics,the 24 volt radio ones are the worst all the
fuses on the engine bay bulkhead,under seat fuel tanks on the
early ones,ya get some strange looks when putting fuel in the cab,
but as said a lot of fun & great off road.
Parabolic springs are more comfortable than standard ones buy nowhere near as good as coils.
Cab is limited size wise - prepare to loose all the skin off your right elbow and if you are a fat bloke you might have problems. Noisy, draughty, underpowered unless you get a V8 or 200/300tdi conversion. Everything a Series landy is but more extreme. Disco steel wheels will fit but you loose a bit on the steering lock. Good ones are getting scarce therefore expensive. But don't let that put you off - have fun.
Bit of a culture shock after driving a Discovery!

I drove my son's Series 88" from Bedford back to Rushden, about 20 miles or so, it was pretty 'different' in so many ways.

As an occasional weekend ride they are fine, but even on parabolics they are real bone shakers.

OK love my disco1 but thinking of a change to a series ?
Do love the look of a lightweight. Would like if poss a tax exempt
One I do some play days not many and prefer greenlaning
It would be used for mainly off road.
Are the early series good at of road I just don't seem to see
Many of them what are your views please
Series are much more capable than people think off road and stronger than defenders (made from tin foil) a Lightweight with mud tyres will go just about anywhere but fitting squashy seats would be ur only concession to comfort. Expensive these days however.
I've wondered about pulling the body off my disco and building a "repro" 100in lightweight (maybe a flatbed) on it. Just getting rid of the bad bits (floors, roof, and everything in-between) and replacing it with sheet. About the same or less work than restoring a lightweight, and I don't think I've ever heard of one that hadn't been rebuilt by its current owner.

Probably some legal and insurance "implications" involved in getting it on the road, but build could be done for less than a decent lightweight minus proceeds from disco, and it has the 200Tdi conversion already done, minus exemption, of course.
Yes Series are Bone shakers on leaf sprung, a bit draughtY (soon sorted) BUT they are soooo much fun and they attract admiring glances and compliments from many! As a daily drive it depends just how near the comfortable SOFA you want to be? For me the wooden stool is fine so a series fits the bill! BUY one it'll turn out to be one of life's BETTER choices
Mention has been made as to 'your' size & I can confirm that having owned a 2A LW years ago. I was then fairly slim & 5' 10'' height but I found the steering wheel too close to my chest for comfort (squaddies tend to be young & lithe) It may be possible to alter the seat position by modifying the bulkhead, but I didn't own the car long enough to find out.
It would only be used for playing in
I would sooner have a tax-exempt LW or series what ones are as it will be a second
Car and she won't have another tax drain on the bank acc (they don't understand )
I'd be a bit sad about thrashing on a war memorial, but otherwise a lightweight would be great, and I hear you can get one for not-too-much if you don't mind pulling it apart and putting it back together.

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