You must have it turned up high if you're only getting 6 minutes. I've had a fair bit of use out of mine and not run out yet, probably a good half hour or more of actual welding...

half an hour???? thank god i have an industrial cylinder, been welding on n off for 12 months and still showing full pressure (5ft tall cylinder) never used hobby cylinders but now realise why they work out so much... buy a regulator and a pub bottle it'll save a bomb

cheers steve
just got hold off a pub gas bottle and ordererd a regulator of ebay now got to find some steel plate to weld up offcuts of course
Half an hour of actual trigger time isn't bad. I've had mine for 12 months too but that doesn't tell you how much actual welding I've done. I suspect that a lot of people lose half their gas to the ****-poor regulators that come with these bottles leaking.

I've tried pub gas in the past - I can get it free whenever I like, my stepfather owns a large pub gas business. Trouble is, it is just not as good as Argon mix.

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