
New Member
My Discovery is going to need a fair amount of work for the MOT.
So far it has been 99.9% reliable, having broken down once and covered 168k on the original engine and box.

I fancy a Range Rover but I don't like all the electronics and associated crap that go with a newer one.

I want something I can fix by the side of the road. So if I have to bite the bullet and go for something with an ECU or 2, what's the best one to go for?

My preference is the Classic, but a clean one will be disproportionately expensive (sorry about that word, it is Sunday morning and I couldn't think of a better one)

So what about the P38A, I have heard some horror stories. Is the list of faults associated with the electronics never ending?

If yor the slightest bit worried by the thought of it breaking down then you must join the RAC or AA. My only thought is this they do break and if you have not got your lap top to reset them you will have to phone the very nice man and of course not everything is repairable on the side of the road as with all cars. The only electrical related faults i've had are several bulb failures, 1 blender motor stopped working, fixed by eightinavee for a sensible a amount (180) and an air pump failure, (80) and those were spread out over 60,000 odd miles. I had more electrical probs with my Classic than the 38

Just joined the RAC having looked at the complexity of my Disco 300TDi. I dont fancy getting stuck at the side of the motorway and paying £100s to get a tow. For the sake of £30 its money well spent. Also covered in other cars too.

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