I have recently bought a 110 dc, I wanted a utility but this was silly money so have converted it into the utility I wanted, it's a puma, I love it, I also love my 2004 90, and don't want to part with it, but not feasible to have the both, I have stripped off all of the goodies bar snorkel off the 90, had to buy the odd replacement for the 90 but can't see me getting anymore for my truck with a heated screen for example, if you can afford to do it, swap the best bits over to your 110 with it being the same engine
Thats the ideal plan, just got to work it out financially.

Theres a chance ill be getting a bonus at work so this could be a good time!
Well this idea may have ended before it started. While 110 DCPU are LEZ Compliment for the most part they appear to be classed as a van? Which makes the insurance premium a whopping £1700! Up from £500 im paying now

Edit - Few more searches and got it down to a reasonable £800, still not ideal and frankly ridiculous.
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If you're using comparison sites, they give you more reasonable values if you have a specific vehicle in mind and can give them a vin and registration number. I've found if I'm looking just generically for what it would cost to insure a so-and-so the quotes look expensive, but if you've got the numbers they come down by about a third.
I do have one accident from 4 years ago and only 24.

I am leaning more to wanting to swap, they just look brilliant, plus the extra space would be excellent. Just a matter of saving up really!

One thing I have noticed is alot of them are either XS or quite high spec with carpet, leccy windows and central locking. Not sure ive seen a 'basic' one yet..
Well at this point in time I have fully decided to swap my 90 for a 110 DCPU, soon as I can afford it that is.... It means I won't be buying anymore parts for my 90 that won't transfer over to the 110. It will just be kept well serviced and looked after but still used.

I'm guessing it will take me a fair while, especially since I am happy to wait for the perfect, or close to perfect model. Ideally in black, 2002 - 2007, >85k on the clock. So begins the search! I know what will happen, the perfect example will come up and I will have zero cash...

Thanks everyone :D Looking forward to building a bigger and better Defender :D
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Well at this point in time I have fully decided to swap my 90 for a 110 DCPU, soon as I can afford it that is.... It means I won't be buying anymore parts for my 90 that won't transfer over to the 110. It will just be kept well serviced and looked after but still used.

I'm guessing it will take me a fair while, especially since I am happy to wait for the perfect, or close to perfect model. Ideally in black, 2002 - 2007, >85k on the clock. So begins the search! I know what will happen, the perfect example will come up and I will have zero cash...

Thanks everyone :D Looking forward to building a bigger and better Defender :D

I see 15P or 16P, no 10P or Trannie
The insulation and sound proofing is improved on earlier Defenders on the Td5 and Tdci's, whilst not brilliant by modern standards the backs don't get as cold.
I noticed that and will be improving it anyway like i did on my 90. The difference in noise levels is like night and day, even at motorway speed i can have a normal conversation! Also once its warm it stays warmer for much longer
Buy the 110, but don't sell the 90!!!!

I've had similar feelings sometimes, I've got a little boy who's 17 months old, and probably another one on the way this year.....but the 90's not going anywhere, the "shorty's" have always had a special place in my heart!

Its a bit of a standing joke in.my family about how much of a conviniant family car I've got!
But to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way! I'm a bit of an anal retentative when it comes to servicing, even axles and bearings that probably where perfectly fine, I replace for peace of mind, so I would never get my money back if I sold it! I'm going to be buying a rack, and some proper fold away, forward facing rear seats soon, hoping that will combat the problem!! Oh, and a rag top for some summer excursions into the south of France this year!!

Best of luck with your 110 hunt!! :)
I know the feeling but I simply cannot afford to have both!

My 90 has forward facing rear seats and a roof rack but its still a paint in the ass!
I know what you're saying, my Mrs has a decent car, so if we decide to go all up in the Landy, its to GO in the Landy, the short comings, like being squished in, are all part of the (rose tinted spectacles) romance of it!!! :)
I have only owned a 110 and wouldn't want anything else. It goes where ever I want it to go. Carries all the crap I want to take. I feel the 110 rides better than a 90. People struggle to get all the gear into a 90 for an overland trip.
For me there is no contest.

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