Ok just set up new email and fb account up ,and there is something fishy going on I have rejoined ;) and my comment of him being an expert,all and his knowledge of LPG systems and ecu workings have been removed , just waiting for Conformation and he will have plenty of editing to do !! Rewmer have noticed his comment before yours has disappeared ?
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Spotted that. I admire your style Defender, nice work keep it up !

As you can see I gave people the heads up and posted everywhere that I already had and well you know the rest ! I've just been double blocked my work is done .

He said this is not a place for Democracy

Kin W. ker over and out
I only posted that he'd have a lot more members if he stopped blocking people and guess what, kicked out!! Not even a warning or nuffin...
As you can see I gave people the heads up and posted everywhere that I already had and well you know the rest ! I've just been double blocked my work is done .

He said this is not a place for Democracy

Kin W. ker over and out
If I could ban you right now I would.

Over means "I am passing over communications to you."
Out means "End of communications, stop talking."

So you have just passed over comms and then ended comms. No! You will end with one or the other, not both.
Over means "I am passing over communications to you."
Out means "End of communications, stop talking."

This is the best way to wind up my brother in law - ex Grenadier.

Maybe rewmer can get through to him in a more tactical approach
Not much chance of that, I've either been banned myself, or the group is gone altogether. Some people eh?
Heh, he is still giving bad advice. Someone asked for help on changing blend motors, his advice was "try the reset procedure" he didn't know how to do it so replied with "try disconnecting the battery."
Heh, he is still giving bad advice. Someone asked for help on changing blend motors, his advice was "try the reset procedure" he didn't know how to do it so replied with "try disconnecting the battery."

That's it I couldn't Resist I've pm'd him still waiting for an answer as I type I don't think one is comming :)
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Bix sorry my bad the over and out was my wording as to my end of communication with said party :)
I recognised that, but you do not end with "over and out" you end with "out". Only in Hollywood do they think "over and out" is legit.
A member of a Cumbrian mountain rescue team was once heard to say on the radio "base, mobile one, we've rolled the land rover over..........over"!!

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