
New Member
Right, still havent been able to come up with a land rover/other 4x4 that will fit my needs as i just cant make my mind up, and dont really know enough on the subject.

I need something that will tow a small-mediumish sized boat, accomadate at least 4 people in relative 'comfort', have the ability to carry a wind surfing board and sail etc, to have decent looks to it (aggresive is good, but i want something that has a, i know this sounds silly, a sportyish look to it as well) and on top of all that, a bit of power, or the ability for a bit more power from the engine so that it'll have a 0-60 of less than 2 weeks lol and hit say 80ish, *cough*, for motorway driving, *cough*, when not towing anything.

Right, still havent been able to come up with a land rover/other 4x4 that will fit my needs as i just cant make my mind up, and dont really know enough on the subject.

I need something that will tow a small-mediumish sized boat, accomadate at least 4 people in relative 'comfort', have the ability to carry a wind surfing board and sail etc, to have decent looks to it (aggresive is good, but i want something that has a, i know this sounds silly, a sportyish look to it as well) and on top of all that, a bit of power, or the ability for a bit more power from the engine so that it'll have a 0-60 of less than 2 weeks lol and hit say 80ish, *cough*, for motorway driving, *cough*, when not towing anything.


I hope you have a big wallet. Disco 3, rangerover sport or L322 Range rover are your options. Unless you wanna TD5 or puma engined 110 csw chipped and with an uprated intercooler.
no mention of using it for off road etc and you are launching a boat with it so I would seriously consider something japanese if your budget wont stretch to one of those mentioned by ratty...

of course if you have the dosh then ratty's list is spot on...

now if I had that sort of money to burn i would be looking at one of these:


  • land_rover_defender_90_svx.jpg
    45.1 KB · Views: 118
those lights are ugly!
Back to the earlier question i think any of the rangies will fit that bill, or disco 2 or 3. maybe even a nice disco 1. Get a v8 if yer wanna go quick solo.
yer 16!!!!!!!???!!
In retrospect ignore my list, you'll never get insured

He could be very rich!! in which case insurance won't be an problem.
But the fact that he is not old enough to drive on the road might be an issue :confused::confused:
haha just read though, and yeah i set my age wrong, im 18 and am currently driving a mk2 golf gti, i wouldnt say i was rich, just well off and being in the armed forces has helped with that, as has playing a lil on the stockmarket.

The golf isnt really adequate for pulling anything and have had to borrow my parents people carrier for all my towing which isnt feasable.

Sorry again for the misleading age lol
You might need a B+E liscence to tow as well then.
Whats your budget?
And how you get rich in the forces???!!!?
im up for corporal thats £20,000 ish a year, add to that no dependants, and a girlfriend who's earning about the same, as well as a few shares in utilities and tesco and that equals lots of spare cash, well, enough for me to have a boat, windsurfer etc lol

I have the b+e licence already due to stuff at work
And people wonder why I'm joining the airforce.. I'll be on a tad more than this chap, have **** all to spend it on, but unlike this lad will only have to work 9-5 snigger.
V8 Discovery or Rangerover will give you best bang for buck as they depreciate quickly due to fuel consumption , not a prob for you as you wont be doing a lot of miles per annum the disco will be the cheaper of the two for the same year as they are cheaper initially JMHO:)
and it's easier to find a discovery with all the toys on than a good nick range rover I found as all the rangies I looked at were standard base models.. might be different in your price range though...
and it's easier to find a discovery with all the toys on than a good nick range rover I found as all the rangies I looked at were standard base models.. might be different in your price range though...

Second that, you could pick up a really nice low miles top spec V8 Disco for very little notes these days. Looked at one for 2K recently but bought a V8 90 instead. I would suggest you factor in your fuel consumption to your budget if your after a V8 in anything.

I work for the MOD too but I ain't saying what they pay me :p

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