i dont even think those side vents are fitted into the wings! Looks like theyre glued on! This seller must be on crACK OR SOMETHING.
He's a sad sad sad little man if he thinks he's going to get anywhere near that kind of money over here but dealers in Ireland in general are looking for stupid money for range rovers anyway.
just puked my dinner up, what a rank disgusting looking heap.
does it come with a balaclava so no one would recognise you in it
you fool, he's bought the freelander as a replacement for that P38 piece of junk because he's now knows how superior the freelander is to the P38.

Cheers Howard ... BUGGER!!! I never thougt of that!!! Its those VELOUR seats Ya know ... give you a far superior ride!!!:D:D:D:D:D:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
Coz I live in Fleetwood & theres the Stena Line ferry to Ireland .... I'm gonna spend the rest of the week Polishin the **** outta mine & then hop on the ferry & sell the P38 over there....................

If I make THAT KINDA MONEY I'll come back & buy meself a SUPERCHARGED L322 Then I'll do the same again & again & again ..... Then I'll pay off me mortgage & retire to the Fookin MALDIVES!!!!! ...............
you can get one for 1/10th what he is asking for! or less my next door neighbour was given his one

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