
Well-Known Member
To keep the 300 Disco company we bought a 3.9efi auto disco on a M plate a couple of months back.So far we have done full service new water pump and new suspension and tyres and had the LPG serviced.Now this last week started using water and leaking at every join so got a sniff test and guess what HG gone.So do we strip and rebuild heads with decent gasket,rip it out and fit a 300 with auto box.
Bearing in mind its xmas and money is short savings have been used,have read about heads going porous and have since found signs of kseal being used in the past,so how much for heads skimmed and should i use composite gasket.Or bung kseal in again and get hold of another tdi and swap engines.
First signs came running on lpg but disappeared on petrol but now leaks on both.:mad:
i had an old sj i used round the farm that had a warped head, i used some stuff called hermittite smeared on both sides of the hg when i put the head back on and it worked for years.
a bit of a bodge but it will prob see you through untill the coffers are replenished.

a head skim is less than £100, james will know exactly if you ask him, so depends how skint you are feeling.
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£58 for a chemical seal double that and i can do the job proper i hope!
as long as the heads arnt cracked or porous I think i will just bit the bullet
Latest news:-contacted the guy i bought it from explained sale of goods act and he is giving me cash to do the job a week tomorrow.
So now I am asking if i disconnect battery does that make lpg safe it is single point if that makes any difference.Is there a isolator valve like on a gas bottle to turn off?
Latest news:-contacted the guy i bought it from explained sale of goods act and he is giving me cash to do the job a week tomorrow.
So now I am asking if i disconnect battery does that make lpg safe it is single point if that makes any difference.Is there a isolator valve like on a gas bottle to turn off?
if this was a "private" sale then you were very lucky to get some dosh back,as for the lpg,dismantle away. there should be two electrical shut off valves,one on the tank and one by the vapouriser which when the ignition is off will be closed.
and all in all you will find that its most probably not the head gasket and it will be liners moving and damaging the head gaskets causing the leak and you will be stripping it again in a few months time to re liner it :(
and all in all you will find that its most probably not the head gasket and it will be liners moving and damaging the head gaskets causing the leak and you will be stripping it again in a few months time to re liner it :(
I bloody hope not :doh:It would be on ebay faster than i can type,the body is the most rust free example i have seen and did think about 300Tdi,ing it but not worth the effort nor is an engine swap,just find another one sadly.
Just done the HGs on my Disc 4L. It is not too hard - just long winded. The heads cost me £96 all in to have skimmed. I decent HG set with new bolts etc was £70. New oil and antifreeze (OAT) is another £40 so that's just over £200 plus a shed load of labour.

I've just noticed yours is a 3.9 - these are easier in my opinion - less to take off...
Them there kraut's do a good glupe , WERTH I think ,water system sealer . used it on a 200 tdi and it stop using water pretty much straight away , does't block the matrix either . about a tenner a tin .
Just done the HGs on my Disc 4L. It is not too hard - just long winded. The heads cost me £96 all in to have skimmed. I decent HG set with new bolts etc was £70. New oil and antifreeze (OAT) is another £40 so that's just over £200 plus a shed load of labour.

I've just noticed yours is a 3.9 - these are easier in my opinion - less to take off...

bloody cheap for oil and oat coolant, where was it from?
Weird thing is it seems to have cured it self done a few 100 miles in 2 days and not used any water oil still looks good no steam,just going to keep an eye on it now see if it will last till after xmas and if it dont leak again will still do the heads in the spring.
Am still wondering if it had kseal or simular in when i bought it and when i drained it to do antifreeze started leak and now it has swilled some kseal from bottom of system?

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