Do yourself a favour and get rid of the rears too, it's not a good way to improve the lighting. Once you get it all working with standard bulbs, you can start to consider an upgrade.
fitted the front new ones and hey presto still not working and now my indicator dash light comes on with my main beam dash light.. never a dull moment
BTW, random dash lights are usually a sign of a poor earth somewhere. The main beam and indicator wiring should only share earth points.
BTW, random dash lights are usually a sign of a poor earth somewhere. The main beam and indicator wiring should only share earth points.
bloody annoying as it was fine until I put the new indicators in so I had wrapped everything, squeezing the fuse box back into place yesterday could have been the cause but where to start is the thing.. one minute everything fie next some annoying little issue.. happy days, ANYWAY BACK ON TRACK WITH THE THREAD

Today I learned that the new wheels and tyres are still only just legal.. 10 mm to spare when you put a straight edge across them.
only just = is / are (delete as appropriate)
Came as a bit of a shock how close run it was. new wheels were pretty standard the old ones were as offset as i could imagine with huge hankooks on them.. it already seems to handle way better just driving it on the farm.
Personally I would have thought that the wider ones are OK as all the tread blocks are covered by the arch when viewed from above, the sidewall sticking out doesn't matter
Personally I would have thought that the wider ones are OK as all the tread blocks are covered by the arch when viewed from above, the sidewall sticking out doesn't matter
first day driving it back from the seller i was pulled by a cop who checked it over as he was 'keen' on defenders, told me it was illegal due to the tyres but let me off due to circumstances, they were about an inch over from the top down,from the middle it was much more.. think its the middle that counts...
today i've learned that the gauge reads over 100 after 3 miles but it's going to have to wait until another day to be sorted as its pi$$ing down (cab hardly leaked)

btw 200 tdi any starting points for sorting the temp out useful after checking the gauge and sender
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today i've learned that the gauge reads over 100 after 3 miles but it's going to have to wait until another day to be sorted as its pi$$ing down (cab hardly leaked)

btw 200 tdi any starting points for sorting the temp out useful after checking the gauge and sender
Loads on here about temp gauges. Given the, ahem, mixed parentage of your Landy, it could well be the wrong sender or gauge for the engine. If you can stretch to it, a Durite gauge and sender combo will give you an accurate reading - the original gauges are not renowned for being accurate anyway.
Loads on here about temp gauges. Given the, ahem, mixed parentage of your Landy, it could well be the wrong sender or gauge for the engine. If you can stretch to it, a Durite gauge and sender combo will give you an accurate reading - the original gauges are not renowned for being accurate anyway.
Took the thermostat out and tested it,on the stove with a jam making thermometer, :-0
it opens at approx 96 degrees.

I have issues with the fan not kicking in to sort but there is a manual over ride for that for now, it is operating in the right direction .
There appeared to be no air in the system,, tested it via the highest point, on the heater matrix and again on the top of the radiator. Is there a better way?

Should i replace the thermostat? is 96 degrees too high, im sure ive heard talk of 83 degrees being right but then thats low for a running 200 tdi i read somewhere.. views appreciated..
96 is too high, so maybe your gauge is reading correctly. I believe 88 degrees is correct for the 200tdi. Get that sorted before anything else - a standard cooling system should be able to cope easily in this country, most people with that engine complain about the lack of heat!
96 is too high, so maybe your gauge is reading correctly. I believe 88 degrees is correct for the 200tdi. Get that sorted before anything else - a standard cooling system should be able to cope easily in this country, most people with that engine complain about the lack of heat!
thanks for that, the engine might but the heater doesnt get too hot even when running high temp, new matrix and full of coolant, i'll change the thermostat
changed the thermostat and stil 110c ,thinking it's the gauge as the coolant doesn't feel hot to touch
thanks for that, the engine might but the heater doesnt get too hot even when running high temp, new matrix and full of coolant, i'll change the thermostat
I learned today that thermostat change wasn't the answer but had ot be worth a go at 3 quid, at least i've got a good un i hope now, ran it up to 100 plus degrees and turned it off, waited a couple of minutes and tested the water at the top of the rad.. luke warm, I'm now thinking this was just a dodgy gauge reading, wrong sender, ordered adapter,, be sorted by Monday I hope. Spent rest of day pre- sealing guttering rivets as im sure now most of the water comes in through them.
Have you got much more to do to it before it can get tested?
No, until it gets tested.. then my guess is yes lots. Will be ringing Monday for a pre test chat then probably booking it mid week. my stomach turn when i think about it, I have totally fallen head over heals for this vehicle......

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