
New Member
Hi All,

Two dodgy gents were spotted outside my house eyeing up my trolley jack, spare parts and some other stuff, luckily they were disturbed by my mum and they drove off.......The vehicle was a green transit pick up with "metal reycyling" or something.....If anyone from Glasgow spots them or knows where they are based....I would love to know as I will be having words next time I come across them, thieving bastards!!!!!!!

Be on the look out

What did they steal from you??

I have my rear half of a 110 chassis, my 10t trolley jack, my bull bars and a few other things, thankfully they got stopped before they got anything but i hope for their sake that they dont come back tomorrow, I'll be waiting
Ha youre a funny guy. No, so i can know whether to be on the lookout considering i live in the glasgowish area.

t'was indeed meant to be mildly amusing - sorry you didn't see it that way. A

(and no, I don't think scrotes wandering round casing nickable stuff is funny at all, we get them pulling up outside frequently, and if you ask anything its always 'we wondered if there was scrap for sale' - yeh right....)
t'was indeed meant to be mildly amusing - sorry you didn't see it that way. A

(and no, I don't think scrotes wandering round casing nickable stuff is funny at all, we get them pulling up outside frequently, and if you ask anything its always 'we wondered if there was scrap for sale' - yeh right....)

Yeah i had it a few times at my last address as it was near a main road so probably easily accessible, filthy pikeys (not you redhand, youre alright ;)). Thankfully where i live now is relatively quiet and out of the way but you never know with these people.
Top Tip : Get down to B&Q and buy a couple of "BEWARE OF THE DOG" Signs - even if you haven't got a dog - they don't know that ;)
Pikeys cant read. ;)

Thats why they dont know they should tax and insure their vehicles, pay income tax, take their rubbish to the tip, stop claiming benefits when they are working, stop taking stuff without the owners permission, etc, etc, etc,

I guess the PC brigade are turning purple reading the above but I could care less.
Does it count as recycling if they steal it then weigh it in

At work they came in the yard, the foreman told them to #### off, that weekend they came back and recycled an 8 tonne skip full of scrap metal

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