
Active Member
Just been looking on e bay how much I could expect to get for my 2002 TD5. I reckon they've gone down a few grand in the last couple of months. Is it just the time of year or is it due to fuel prices and tax hike, what do you reckon ?

See me varied other posts on the value of 4x4's. For the last 12months I been telling people that most 4x4's and especially landrovers are over valued by at least 30% and that it was just a matter of time before the buying market woke upto this fact. And I've been proved right yet again!!,
Fuel prices i think are a major factor on the reduced prices, people are trying to off load them for more economy, if a 4x4 is not essential to your use,s then they have to go, I use mine for going onto the beaches for fishing and towing a caravan ,but the fishing on the beaches has been replaced by trips to scotland fishing freshwater lochs so now i am considering selling i bought it 18 months ago for £5500 and have recently advertised at £3500 no takers at all , might have to go back to beach fishing.
Fella31 - what are you asking for the Disco?

I have a 2002 TD5 with 130k miles, and I guess it's worth ~£4k now, whereas it was a good bit higher last year.

I've decided to hang onto mine for a while longer, unless I get a decent offer above £4k...I did try advertising on this forum a few months ago, but wanted £5,500 which was probably too much...
The proposed VED for 2010 of £455 is enough to frighten people away.,
vehicles reg after 2001 based on emissions .Above was for a td5Es auto
Heard a terrible tale of depreciation only the other day, mate bought a VW Toerag about 3 years ago, the V10, 5.0 Tdi one, cost new was £65K ish, he paid £47K as an ex demo, ran it 2 years, put 30 odd K miles on it, took it to p/x and was offered £16K for it!!!!!!

Oh how I laughed ............ :D

And now he's paying £60K for a BMW X6 :eek: In lovely lipstick red!
Whilst looking for our Disco over the last few months, I kept an eye on this website...

WiseBuyer's Guides - Used car prices

...and believe it or not according to these a 95' 300Tdi having done 120K has lost nearly £700 in value in the last 9 months:eek:.

Luckily I blagged £2,300 for our last Disco off the insurance co. before the prices dropped:D:D:D
if brown want's more tax off me by hiking the road tax up on my d2 02 and in the process lowering the value of my motor i thought about how i could legally stick two fingers up to him :D then it hit me :eek: if i drink a couple of pints of beer a week less no big deal ,saving about £5-6 a week over 12 months i'm quids in , tax hike covered :p so up yours brown you've gained sweet FA out of me :D

now how to turn water in to fuel :confused:
Hi Martin K, I was hoping for 9.5 k as according to Parkers. It's a TD5 ES auto, 88k on the clock and in tip top condition. The seems to be a demand in Herts but I reckon I'm in for a long wait...
Re: Road Tax: Surely a TD5 is Band F? Therefore it stays at £210 per annum? It's only cars registered after March 2006 that go onto the higher band (~£440) G? All TD5's will have been first registered before March 06?
Re: Road Tax: Surely a TD5 is Band F? Therefore it stays at £210 per annum? It's only cars registered after March 2006 that go onto the higher band (~£440) G? All TD5's will have been first registered before March 06?

Nope the changes are retrospective and apply to all vehicles register post 2001. also there are about 5 new bands so instead of the steep jump from £210 to £440 there are several different tax bands.
Hi Martin K, I was hoping for 9.5 k as according to Parkers. It's a TD5 ES auto, 88k on the clock and in tip top condition. The seems to be a demand in Herts but I reckon I'm in for a long wait...

I'm afraid your in for a long long long wait at that price

This is autotraders offerings and bear in mind most of these are trade price, as a private seller you need to be coming in at about 80% of trade price.

Buy a used LAND ROVER DISCOVERY Car - Auto Trader UK

Extracts for Discovery 98-04 registrations

Td5ES Auto

Rates effective from 13 March 2008​
Date of Registration6 Months12 MonthsBandCO2 (g/km)1 Mar 1999 – 1 Mar 2001£101.75£185.00-1 Mar 2001 – 1 Nov 2003£115.50£210.00F284
Rates effective from April 2009​
Date of Registration6 Months12 MonthsBandCO2 (g/km)1 Mar 1999 – 1 Mar 2001£101.75£185.00-1 Mar 2001 – 1 Nov 2003£165.00£300.00K284
Rates effective from April 2010​
Date of Registration6 Months12 MonthsBandCO2 (g/km)1 Mar 1999 – 1 Mar 2001£110.00£200.00-1 Mar 2001 – 1 Nov 2003£250.25£455.00M284
Hi Martin K, I was hoping for 9.5 k as according to Parkers. It's a TD5 ES auto, 88k on the clock and in tip top condition. The seems to be a demand in Herts but I reckon I'm in for a long wait...

Hi fella31, I wish you the very best of luck but I do think you will be waiting a LONG time at that price.

If you want to sell it in the current market a price nearer to £6-7000 will be the only way. Nobody is buying Discos now - everyone wants 50-60mpg.

Good luck

]Extracts for Discovery 98-04 registrations

Td5ES Auto
Rates effective from 13 March 2008[/CENTER]
Date of Reg..1 Mar 1999 – 1 Mar 2001..1 Mar 2001 – 1 Nov 2003
6 Months.................. £101.75..........................£115.50
12 Months ................£185.00..........................£210.00
Band F
CO2 (g/km) -284

........................Rates effective from April 2009
Date of Reg..1 Mar 1999 – 1 Mar 2001.....1 Mar 2001 – 1 Nov 2003
6 Months £101.75.......................................£165.00
12 Months £185.00.....................................£300.00
Band K
CO2 (g/km) 284

................Rates effective from April 2010
Date of Reg...1 Mar 1999 – 1 Mar 2001....1 Mar 2001 – 1 Nov 2003
6 Months..£110.00...............................£250.25
12 Months..£200.00.............................£455.00
Band M
CO2 (g/km)284
That makes more sense
Many thanks for your help Redhand re revised posting .

As you have no doubt guessed I'm not to familiar with this electrickery lark.

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