
Member is now. This could be the shape of things to come, yesterday the Irish Minister of the Enviroment ( Green party ) introduced new car tax based on CO2 emmissions, so my dream date with an 07 Defender could come to nought. Currently a 2.5 lt disesel costs about € 850 to tax under these new regs it would cost € 2000 because any new vehicle emitting more than 225 grams of CO2 per Km will be in this band. The defender CO2 emmissions ( according to brochure ) is 295 grams of CO2 per km.
Can't you "borrow" an address in the North and register/tax it there? I suppose there'd have to be a catch.
The point I'm making is that Ireland was the first to ban smoking in pubs and the rest of Europe followed too, the "emmission" card could be played out in other watch out.

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