Well, meaning exactly what I said in my original post. That 'some' members seem to let the forum down by being a tad too aggressive and overly sarcastic towards newer members. It's only my opinion, and the whole point of forums is to get a diverse range of opinions, so I expect a lot of seasoned members to disagree here...........but I am saying it as I see it.

Yes I do see some new people coming straight on, and their first ever post is 'What tyres.....' etc etc, which is frustrating, and they obviously haven't searched at all. But its quite common to see sarcastic and pointless comments to reasonable questions, by senior members. It just makes the forum seem very 'clicky' and makes newer people look stupid. I have never owned a LR until now, but I know my way around most vehicles, after doing everything from repairing bulldozers to building custom choppers for a well known custom bike builder in the states. But I have needed to come on here for technical advice, which I have very gratefully received, but I feel that I have had to tread very carefully for fear of being made to look a ****.

Thats basically what I mean.......and now I wouldn't be at all suprised if some posts.........'....Well take your piece of **** chopper and cruise on back to the good old U S of A you ****ing gay biker ****....' Get my drift?
no all I would say is if you walked into a pub where everyone knew each other and there was a lot of banter going on would you complain about it and tell them they should change ?
no all I would say is if you walked into a pub where everyone knew each other and there was a lot of banter going on would you complain about it and tell them they should change ?

No I wouldn't tell them to change......but I would go into a pub for a pint, and if I asked for one and got jeered and humiliated for asking for one, I would feel a tad uncomfortable, and probably use another boozer in future.

This whole thing is just food for thought.......I am not on some crusade to pacify this forum.......it is what it is. I will continue to use it, as it has been very useful and is full of good info. I am just commenting on how this thread (and a few others) have alienated new people..........people who could potentially bring something useful......I didn't know much about LR's when I joined......but I know a lot more now. And if someone posts a question about something I know about, then I can help......whether its Discovery alternator issues, or if its a random question about Harleys, or centrifugal pumps or combi-boilers. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it should be some big happy gay-fest, where we all suck each other off......banter and **** taking is good........Sometimes just a bit OTT, to new members who are just looking for advice.

No, it wasn't Paul Snr........Not my thing the OCC stuff.
totally agree!!
i came on here to find out how to do something, i was lucky i got some great responses and got my job done,
but never had the answers like the new guy got!
hasn't put me off, it's part of life now, that there is a part of society that is out to cause
some sort of nuisance to others,
i thank all the good members, but will just ignore the others,
land-rovers..disco's, especially the TD5 are all, every last one, complete **** mate....well all except mine that's been brill....should I be a**ed to read the other 8 pages....Most on here will agree, ME, being dyslexic and almost illiterate has always been well pandered to by my fellow forum members...so far they have excused my atrocious spelling and punctuation....all in all a real load of diamond geezers.

This the spirit we are looking for...........bollocks.....great thread guys
No I wouldn't tell them to change......but I would go into a pub for a pint, and if I asked for one and got jeered and humiliated for asking for one, I would feel a tad uncomfortable, and probably use another boozer in future.

This whole thing is just food for thought.......I am not on some crusade to pacify this forum.......it is what it is. I will continue to use it, as it has been very useful and is full of good info. I am just commenting on how this thread (and a few others) have alienated new people..........people who could potentially bring something useful......I didn't know much about LR's when I joined......but I know a lot more now. And if someone posts a question about something I know about, then I can help......whether its Discovery alternator issues, or if its a random question about Harleys, or centrifugal pumps or combi-boilers. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying it should be some big happy gay-fest, where we all suck each other off......banter and **** taking is good........Sometimes just a bit OTT, to new members who are just looking for advice.

No, it wasn't Paul Snr........Not my thing the OCC stuff.

good advice

The forum has used this format for years an has 1000's of happy members.

I doubt any of the members will change to accommodate your correct way of thinking so good luck on your stay here.
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totally agree!!
i came on here to find out how to do something, i was lucky i got some great responses and got my job done,
but never had the answers like the new guy got!
hasn't put me off, it's part of life now, that there is a part of society that is out to cause
some sort of nuisance to others,
i thank all the good members, but will just ignore the others,

you sound like a 10 year old girl with all your whining.

I'm not speaking to you because you're not my fweind....grow a set or lro is your best friend.
This forum is brilliant, loads of helpfull poeple and advice !
Some just need to find a sense of humour lol


sense of humour ok, but if you went some where and asked a question and then got the **** took out of you, by more than one person repeatedly
what would you think? i know what i would do !!

need4wd, never did get his answer!:confused:

sense of humour ok, but if you went some where and asked a question and then got the **** took out of you, by more than one person repeatedly
what would you think? i know what i would do !!

need4wd, never did get his answer!:confused:

I beg to differ, look at post 68 for example. Not noticed of course because so many were squabbling over the square root of bog all.

Just because someone has thousands of posts doesn't mean they have been thousands of helpful constructive posts.
I beg to differ, look at post 68 for example. Not noticed of course because so many were squabbling over the square root of bog all.

Just because someone has thousands of posts doesn't mean they have been thousands of helpful constructive posts.
nope as most of the posts on this forum are in the anything goes section where a bunch or mates take the **** outta each other.

sense of humour ok, but if you went some where and asked a question and then got the **** took out of you, by more than one person repeatedly
what would you think? i know what i would do !!

need4wd, never did get his answer!:confused:

I have had a Disco since March and have repeatedly had the **** taken but I'd have to say that your assumption that the long standing members are nothing but ****taking ****s you should think again.:mad:

Ask a stupid or obvious question get a stupid answer. but If you are after help both vehicle or life this bunch of ignorant ****s can be more helpful than you could Imagine. I have a thread to prove it

Do a search for "I've had enough".

If banter aint your thing frequent another forum, but get through the banter/abuse and these are some of the biggest hearted people you could ever know.

Except S71 hes always a miserable bastid! :D:D

sense of humour ok, but if you went some where and asked a question and then got the **** took out of you, by more than one person repeatedly
what would you think? i know what i would do !!

need4wd, never did get his answer!:confused:

Post 3 was a good answer :D
All this **** kicked of just because in post 2 Dr evil said "they're not fecking cars :doh: " He made no rude comments about the OP, didn't call the OP any derogatory names. But one or two posters suffering accute constipation got on their soap box's and had a bitch and a whine, just chill out and take a strong laxative. :D:D

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