Hi Darren,

Getting a bit worried about your dogging obsesesion, will have to keep the doors locked next time we go out!!!

Ha.....blame the others... I thought dogging was the same everywhere....

Off the to F1 at Spa this weekend but start a new job in Cambridge in 3 weeks time, so I will try and get another trip organised...
Ahhhh ok. Because I've never been up thetford way really I've no idea how to find these places... So could be a day of just randomly driving around with a map, hoping for the best!
Bought the orange thetford os map and spent yesterday afternoon searching the surrounding area for byways that were open! :)

Was a good day out, most of the lanes were dry and sandy so nothing extreme but had a good day! My missus weren't too bad with the map either...
Bought the orange thetford os map and spent yesterday afternoon searching the surrounding area for byways that were open! :)

Was a good day out, most of the lanes were dry and sandy so nothing extreme but had a good day! My missus weren't too bad with the map either...

bit boring lanes around thetford , if you fancy few around north Essex some time keep an eye on Essex lanes thread your welcome to tag along .
Yeah I thought they were a good tester! Was 120 mile round trip which is probably the furthest I've dared take my truck... And we didn't break down thank fooook!
Did spring a diesel leak from the a pipe that joins the tank though but nothing major.

I've got a steering guard and a diff guard... Need to extend my breathers, sort the airfilter housing and make sure the snorkels bent back (knocked it) and sealed up properly! Would like to try some water sections :)
Yeah I thought they were a good tester! Was 120 mile round trip which is probably the furthest I've dared take my truck... And we didn't break down thank fooook!
Did spring a diesel leak from the a pipe that joins the tank though but nothing major.

I've got a steering guard and a diff guard... Need to extend my breathers, sort the airfilter housing and make sure the snorkels bent back (knocked it) and sealed up properly! Would like to try some water sections :)

If you fancy a trip this way, wait till the rain is here and we will do some of the fords and if your water proof maybe take in violets lane.
We were all over the Thetford Brandon area yesterday.. managed to find a couple of lanes we'd not done with slightly more challenging bits (deep tractor ruts full of water) but it was mostly tame tracks and miles of this stuff..


..now heading off for a quick run round the Kennett lanes as it rained last night :)
That bit is on Lord Ivor's land it seems he's done some resurfacing.. loads of picturesque grassy hillside tracks through sheep fields.. *yawn* and we saw some roe d...zzz ...zzz
Trucks are looking good!
I'm hoping to waterproof my truck before the weekend :) then I'll be in search of some more muddy, wet stuff...
Deep ruts and mud - lucky for us the have the lane maintained - many are not. If you want plenty of mud there is always the pay and play sites.......
I'm terribly sorry Mr D A Roberts please forgive my ignorance, clearly I'm one of those ruffians who modify their Landrovers in order to race about ruining green lanes and forcing their closure. I will with immediate effect restrict my activities to pay & play site as you so wisely suggest. :rolleyes:

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