
Does anyone know if its still possible to drive any of the forestry commision trails in Thetford Forest and if so how I can find them?

I have done lots of googling but I cant find any details, the forrestry commision site talks about cycling and horses but nothing about 4wd.
Im not sure to your answer but I'd love to join you if you want someone to drive round with sometime. Im on hols for the next 12 days but would love to arrange something early next month or perhaps later this month. Ive often wanted to explore Thetford forest as its been years since ive been there and often wondered if you can drive round. Sandringham woods on the royal estate is a nice drive through. its tarmac but there are small areas where you can drive into the zoned picnic areas and the surronding countryside has lots of small tracks and green lanes. apparently theres a roman road from near kings lyn/fakenham way going to the coast about 14 miles long all green lane. i had it one of my landrover mags recently. not sure whch issue but ive still got it will have to dig it out.
Im not sure to your answer but I'd love to join you if you want someone to drive round with sometime..

Hi It would be great to have someone to drive around with, trouble is I dont know where to drive!!

Still hoping to get a response to this query about Thetford Forest.

I have now tried to sign up with the Green lane people twice but my applications seem to go into a black hole and I never get a response ;-(
hi thE BRECKLAND LANDROVER CLUB often do a days green laneing in thetford forrest we were there last sunday (it was great some of it very wet and muddy) the rights of way officer has all the up to date info why not join
regards simon64
hi thE BRECKLAND LANDROVER CLUB often do a days green laneing in thetford forrest we were there last sunday (it was great some of it very wet and muddy) the rights of way officer has all the up to date info why not join
regards simon64

Simon, thanks for that, I will join.
hi there im from branden i went around some traks last night it was good was out for about 3 hours there is lost of byways there but the only thing was i got stuck my disco was not man anuff to got tho a bit the missis wanted to go tho lol wont lisson to her agin i will b going out agin soon but ne one wants to go out fora drive send us a text and we can meat up and to your post about whereto go you should go get a os map from whs i got one it cost £8 but you get one half price witch is kool oh my number is 07522080408 thanks and have a good one
Hi i'm looking to go off roading/green laning in thetford forest, I have spoken to some one at the forestry and they suggest OS map 229 and the Ickneald way? any one tried either of these?. This is a new hobbie for my son and I, I hope our Landy likes it!
Hi i'm looking to go off roading/green laning in thetford forest, I have spoken to some one at the forestry and they suggest OS map 229 and the Ickneald way? any one tried either of these?. This is a new hobbie for my son and I, I hope our Landy likes it!

not tried them but just looked up ickneald way on memory map and its quite a long group of byways(green lane). there is also loads of lanes around that area.

Oh and its greenlaneing, not off-roading, unless you go to an off-road site;):p

oh and welcome to the forum!:):):welcome2:
Nothing better than resurrecting a dead thread but.... are there any online maps of the green lanes through Thetford forest and/or the surrounding Suffolk area?
Quick look at maps at home plenty around thetford
And quite a few could well be restricted byways now. OS maps can be 10 years out of date. Best check council row officer
I know it is a old thread.
I’m in thetford forest most weekends laning, if I’m not there I’m at one of the local p&p sites.
I know of a few legal lanes in the area.
I know it is a old thread.
I’m in thetford forest most weekends laning, if I’m not there I’m at one of the local p&p sites.
I know of a few legal lanes in the area.
What local p&p sites do you know of and recommend for a new to off-roading person? I’ve recently got a discovery 3 that I’m trying to use to it’s potential, also would be interested in joining on some lanes around thetford sometime if you are still kicking about round there

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