
New Member
just wondered if any one else knew that you could get 2 different thermotats for the rr, one opens at 82 and one opens at 88, hopefully i will sort out the temp guage
i have just had a look at my car and it seems like i have 2, one at the bottem behind the rad and one at the top which is connected to the main hose on the rad? so bit confussed now whick i have to change?
The one at the bottom is the thermostat, have to replace the complete sealed housing. The elbow which is bolted to the inlet manifold and looks like it houses a thermostat is in fact empty inside and is just there to connect the large top hose from the radiator. It's a throwback from the early V8 engine design. Some of the 4.0 litre engines also have a temperature sensor screwed in to it. Get a new gasket first, remove the elbow and have a look to ensure that someone hasn't put a thermostat in there..if they have, remove it as it will seriously affec coolant circulation.
Yes..smack in the middle. It's plastic so use a socket to undo it and don't go mad tightening it up, check the condition of the "O" ring on it

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