
New Member
Hi all, the Northumberland numpty is back, Driving into town this morning I hit a traffic queue (after an hour of 60mph single carriageway with no problem)the temperature gauge rose rapidly (not into red but almost) so I turned the blowers up imagining the worst and got cold air, got into a side street and just as I was stopping the needle came down and the heater blew warm. This happened once on my old disco and I just removed the thermostat to get home and then replaced it (to give you an idea of the level of my mechanical skills I was really chuffed I managed to find it on te disco and work a screwdriver to remove it hence what is probably a stupid question to most of you!)- ive done a search on here and it appears I cant just remove it on the P38 as its two systems in one?. Obviously will check levels etc again before I set off home but just wondered is there anything else I can do till I get a new thermostat (im assuming its that as no water lost and new radiator and water pump were fitted in Feb.)
Thanks and sorry if ive missed the answer on the search, I'll take the deserved kicking and scroll through again. Im not sure what I would do without this site since I got the old girl, I would certainly be undergoing some form of therapy!
hi, just been out to have a look now it was cold - top hose was firmm but not ridgid, opened cap, some preseeure relese and water raised a little, top hose now softer and when squeeezed it caused bubbles in the expansion filler.
Cold heater with temp up says airlock to me but I know nothing about the V8 except I wouldn't want one as a gift. Except perhaps to break it!
If it is the thermostat I would recommend you go genuine part only. I had several issues with cheaper copies on my last P38. Went genuine in the end and had 10000 trouble free miles with it.

And when you check out suppliers and see them priced up at £25.00 to £30.00 and think that's the genuine part, its not. Genuine one's go for over £65.00!!!

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