
New Member
Hi still chasing down a steady water leak but difficult to spot with snow and slush around. I have a replacement head tank and cap on the way as there are some small hairline cracks near the tank neck. I don't think this is my problem but hey.

I have a cream coloured prt stat in this 54 model freelander. Shoul I be replacing this with a grey PEL500110 Land Rover grey PRRT?

Head gasket was changed 8k miles ago.

yer need to give more info Earthling . . . .petrol doozel v6 year model mods like door wen wet alarm hair dryer curling tong mod tratter un slitty detection system this is lz so eggspect sum stick but they will help yer sumtimes :D:D:D
Thanks guys. Sorry I thought the thermostat issue was fairly well known for my year of car. It is a 54 1.8 k series 50k on the clock. It has a remote stat but it is cream in colour not grey as often stated to be the now preferred one. I guess I am asking if the grey is actually now preferred over the remote cream coloured one.

Sine posting I have replaced expansion bottle and pressure cap just in case. Then without running the car lost 1" of fluid. Have spotted a likely cause as water is appears to be weeping from cylinder head gasket joint just above gear box housing top right Hand corner of cylinder head when stood at the front. :mad:

The oil and water appear clean. This is weeping even stood still.

Anyone had this issue ?

Having paid for new gasket 11 months ago and only done 5k since I am racked off and resisting the temptation to throw a tub of K Seal in there.

Just worried that this would clog up various small bore bleed pipes etc.

Anyone had this particular HG failure mode?

Thanks for any input

Put some tracer dye in the coolant to get a better idea where the problem might be. Don't assume it's HGF just yet, especially as the inlet manifold seal can be a weak point too.
Yes a good point the gasket was replaced January this year so just coming up to the 12 months Mark but very little mileage.

It's quite hard to see this corner of the head but all hoses look ok but the joint between the gearbox housing and the block has water tracking along it. This point also looks to be where the head gasket joint is. The inlet manifold and the pipe below it look dry but again really hard to see that corner. Back of head and block look dry. Water drip is tracking down right hand side of head and block and down the bell housing under the water outlet elbow on the head. Sort of suspect failure around top right hand water port of block and head looking at Haynes manual with head off.

Thanks freelance. It was particularly the bleed from the back of the head and the one from the top of the radiator that concerned me as these go higher than the water level. Have searched the forum for k seal but cannot find any threads indicating positive or negative results.

Anyone else used k seal on the 1.8k series?

Thanks so far
OAT has a dye marker in it anyway.

how long is the warranty on the HGF repair?

The colour in OAT is only a guide to type, and although it can help in tracing a leak through its colour it is better to add dye in as it will help to positively identify a leak.

As Mad infers, might be worth your while throwing the car back at the repairers if the signs are the head gasket is failing. Just wondering outloud if they re-used the old headbolts? I know they have a working tolerance but I prefer to get shot if they are getting towards their limits.
From memory K-Seal has had some good reports with non-turbo 75 owners. Not used it myself though so I can't help really.

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