
New Member
And I've had enough. So much so that when I get my car back from the dealers I'm going to sell it. I've spent a fortune on this car and all I ask in return is that when I turn the key it will get me from A to B without ruining my day.

Needless to say this appears to be too much to ask. So bolloxs to it, Auto Trader here I come...

Oh and before any one asks and those that don't know (assuming you even care) it's a 97 P38a 2.5 DSE with 166K on the clock.

Some of the work done:

Air Conn Matrix.
Cylinder Head, Tensioner and Serpentine.
4 x Drilled and Grooved Discs.
EAS Pump
Air Spring
Fuel Flap Solenoid
Hot Start Fix.

And of course the obvious servicing, rubber, MOT and road tax.

I feel for you mate, my friend who works as a landy service engineer said to me (some years back) if i ever bought a p38 he would never talk to me again
all the best with your sale
joking apart matey having bought a couple of lemons in the past i feel for you,but having looked at the list of work carried out it seems a shame to part with her.does it run?any current problems?
joking apart matey having bought a couple of lemons in the past i feel for you,but having looked at the list of work carried out it seems a shame to part with her.does it run?any current problems?

Run! It goes very, very well nudge nudge wink wink! I love it; I just can't trust it.
As regards current problems, it's in getting the EAS fixed and calibrated, the Dealer tells me it should be done by Monday, as they're very busy.

woogoo without knocking you mate,it sounds to me like with every problem you,ve had its came with a large garage ££££,s bill.i currently own a 98 disco,2.5rr and people often ask are they expensive to run,my answers simple unless your handy with the old spanners or a backyard money tree FORGET IT.
woogoo without knocking you mate,it sounds to me like with every problem you,ve had its came with a large garage ££££,s bill.i currently own a 98 disco,2.5rr and people often ask are they expensive to run,my answers simple unless your handy with the old spanners or a backyard money tree FORGET IT.

Oh I know, I'm the first to admit that. For those that know of me I'm not a mechanic, I am a Software Engineer and that last time I got my hands dirty was when I put on the Hot Fix, and that was the first time in many years.

To add insult to injury I've got all the tools and I am mentally and physically capable of fixing the car, but there are two things I lack; one is a garage of my own and the other is the motivation. The garage is now a subject of planning permission as I type, but the motivation is another matter. FFS I'm that un-motivated I've got cleaner and a gardener and I'm of the opinion I can better spend my time on other stuff, stuff I really really enjoy doing where I have motivation by the spade load.
Its a "flash in the Pan" William, you KNOW you love the BONES of yer rangie I could hear it in yer voice last time we spoke mate.

Now, follow these simple steps & all will be fine tomorrow

1. Find quiet relaxing place & sit

2. Take with you LARGE bottle of Glenfiddic

3. accompanied by small tumbler glass

4. Also take Large bucket of ice

5. Place copious amount of Said Glenfiddic into tumbler glass followed by 1 (Possibly 2) lumps of ice, raise to lips & swallow

Now, Combine points 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 ........& "As if by MAGIC" everything don't seem THAT BAD!!!

NOTE**** you may repeat step 5 as many times as you feel necessary.......


I am making this post on behalf of 'woogoo' who is now lying dead on the patio having choked on an ice cube!

Apparently someone thought this was a good idea!

P.S. Anyone want to buy a Range Rover, email me at woogooswidow@****creek.co.uk :)

I am making this post on behalf of 'woogoo' who is now lying dead on the patio having choked on an ice cube!

Apparently someone thought this was a good idea!

P.S. Anyone want to buy a Range Rover, email me at woogooswidow@****creek.co.uk :)

CLASSIC mate ... real CLASSIC!!!!

I am making this post on behalf of 'woogoo' who is now lying dead on the patio having choked on an ice cube!

Apparently someone thought this was a good idea!

P.S. Anyone want to buy a Range Rover, email me at woogooswidow@****creek.co.uk :)

Hahaha, I love this community...

Seriously if i were in the UK i would consider your range offer. I think the shipping to overseas part for the un-motivated owner would be very unmotivating
In my experience of lemons, unless its a rust issue, most of the cost and problems are caused by ****e mechanics who talk a good job but cant do one! :doh:
If you ask me bud... and comparing to what i have done.. and got to do ..to my widow maker(my pet name for my dse) .. you got off lightly..!!!!

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