
Active Member
:mad: :mad: :mad:

got to work last night at 2230 , parked in the same spot i have for the last 3 years , went and clocked in , had a brew , 15 minutes later the aa man that was bringing a car back for a guest asked whose was the freelander on the side with the passinger quarter light out.......

er that would be mine ......

theiving scrotes have had all my cd's and dvds away...

ok all the dvds were copies that i had made for use in the car but its not the point. i wouldnt of mind but they were under the seat with my coat over the top.

i hope he dies of a horrable drug overdose:D

i f ing hate smack heads...... if i had got him i would of tied him to the bull bar and ran him into the f ing wall..

i am soooooo mad its untrue.

its now outside minus the quarter light awating the csi to finger print it and then its a wait for autoglass...

any way moan over

shoulda just got the crime number m8 and save all the arsing about, just more ****e to wipe off your car when they get finished. and it's not like they are gonna try to catch them is it?:rolleyes:
sure yer bull bar could have coped on a freelander? only messing mate, i would be lying if i said i aint had a window put through once or twice myself, yer cant even get a crim ref striat away these days and csi aint the quickest to get out to get prints anyway.
sorry to hear about yer loss!
sorry to hear about that mate,
hope the theivin bastids die of a fookin overdose:mad:
had my window put through about four years ago
bastids had me stereo:mad: :eek:
oh my god..... £196 for a side window .... its not even 18in sq.

Insurance, ha , why bother havin fully comp.... windscreen £50.00 exsess

side windows norrmal excess applys £350.00

that has really just finished of my week.....

If of out now to go and find some random smack heads and give them a good kicking with a baseball bat...
a bitter kind of irony dictated that when I read the last post, the sponsered link was from autoglass......

Look on the bright side mate up here they steal yer kit then leave yer a little presy, hypo needles through the seat cloth. Sit on one of them and then tell me you don't have problems.

These guys know all the places to look, and if your car was worth something then it would have gone as well.
thieving ****ers.Chop their hands off!Plod didnt even turn out when my motor got done even when i took it to them.Tho werent smack heads, it was at lakeside so defo pikeys
makes you p***** off dont it. cops not much use either. son recovered a mates car 4 days after he was dragged from wheel at traffic lights, even though cops were told who had it day after it had gone. told which garage it was hidden in 2 days after it had gone. and got quizzed on 4 th day as they got car back wi spare keys. cops only interested in a block of cannibis ( like a brick) been chucked by sons mate in temper out the window and son decking two of the dealing gits. but at least they lost money on the drugs. i told him he should hav burned it. but hey thats sunderland for you
shoulda just got the crime number m8 and save all the arsing about, just more ****e to wipe off your car when they get finished. and it's not like they are gonna try to catch them is it?:rolleyes:
When local moron nicked my radio in Catford they DID catch him. Same day. They just didn't tell me for a month. The police will just assume you claimed on the insurance. I was actually quite surprised they gave me the nicked one back. Gave it away, as I had a replacement by then.

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