or catch em in the act tie em up, put a sheepskin rug on em and leave them in a field, they will either be raped by a farmer/passing welshman or eaten by a fox its all good
this could also be quite effective in stopping them tryin again.. videos are available on yourtube

Alarm Mines are not illegal.
They make an almight bang-flash when an intruder trips the wire.
Crapped pants are a cert.

They are available, or you can make them to shoot 12 bore blanks.

As long as there is NO barrel (the whole 12 bore case must be exposed) it isn't a firearm, and so there's no reason why you cannot use them in your own place.

We caught a guy with one some years back. Trying to steal the kids' bikes from the shed .... tripped the mine, and went backwards into a huge rose bush ... what a bloody shame .... and then Ajax got him .... Ajax was a Doberman, a really stupid disobedient Doberman. After a while Ajax let him go and when we 'arrived' the guy was in tears, and had pooped his pants. The police eventually came and took the guy away.

Good Doggie ......

i used to have trouble with the local asbo's stealing out of my sheds,i laid in wait one night and caught one of them,i gave him a slap and told him i had captured him and his friends on my infra red security camera and next time i'll phone old bill.he crapped himself and no trouble since.
Plenty of light, burglers and assorted scum do not like bright lights I have found this works quite well.If nothing else it will help you with your aim.
Live in Northumberland - I don't even have to bother locking my Landy doors at night!
Send your address! Need a few bits...

Someone dumped a series 2 outside my house, unlocked, last year. No one touched it (this is SE London). Had to get the council to tek it away 8 months later when the tax ran out. Would have posted it here for spares if I had known about this site then.
Plenty of light, burglers and assorted scum do not like bright lights I have found this works quite well.If nothing else it will help you with your aim.
Forget that idea got rangie broken into saturday night even with all the light.Back to the drawing board, fckin thieving bastrds:mad:
had a spurt of thieves round here once that tried to half inch me LDV but walked away, next night me and a load of lads just chilled out in the back and loan behold they came back, remote deadlocking means once they was in thay was in, stupid daft bastids, i'd me amazed if they can hold a brew these days.
I have been told we have a druggie just moved into the area(from prison I think)and mine is not the only car that was done in our area.I will have to wait and see if I can catch him at it or prove it was him which would,nt be difficult if he walked round with my remote control wire and switch that plugs into my winch.Then I could, using my winch fasten him to my front bumper and take him on his last TRIP !!!!!
wrap the winch cable round the ****er a couple of times then attach the hook to a tree then press the wind in button, i call it putting the squeeze on......
bad new's mark..

they take much ??
Sorry I dint reply Spud,No they only took my winch remote lead and a few tools o and some cd,s.Its not that its just the bastards make me mad as there is no value to them whatsoever.How goes it with you bud !
I would if I could know for sure it was him,I have found out where he lives so i am going to keep an eye out.I have not bothered with police as they will not do anything.

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