Right, anybody in here?

Here piggy piggy piggy....Get in the back of me gaylander you two...oink...oink...Right, that spitroasters coming too....

You lot need a burgular alarm.....:D
Take them kegs as well cash back, na dont bother wiv the durex machine gaylanders dont use pig flaverd, nobbly one inch fer the big tractor boy. . .:eek:
ming said:
Take them kegs as well cash back, na dont bother wiv the durex machine gaylanders dont use pig flaverd, nobbly one inch fer the big tractor boy. . .:eek:

is he that big! :eek: what do they use for him then? :p
OK lads successfull operation we've blown up the Gaylander and put them out of buisness. They've drunk the spiked beer and chemically infected pigs so they'll all wake up realizing the error of there ways burn there gaylanders throw the makeup away and get jobs as welders in shipyards. Therefore reinstating Britain as a major player in the seafaring world and if we all pull together we will make the British Commonwealth great again every man woman and child shall have their own Series and Lucas will be at the fore front of electrical technology..........................................BUGGER.................... WHAT HAVE WE DONE? WHAT MONSTER HAVE WE CREATED?

who shall we blame?................................who Ichabod horse face thingy yes he'll do

<Yawn> <Stretch>

Ah, 30 minutes after opening time, just nice timing for a quick slurp :) Anyone got any Scratchings ;)
I'v arrived! hair a doggy again! This is becoming a habbit hair of the dog come day sesh! my missus is gonna be ****ed off soon and make me sleep in the back of one of me Land Rovers. Ello- any one ere?
Ey up Stu. Sorry I wasn't around yesterday, I was in Hull sorting out a big caravan manufacturers problems - no, I didn't blow the factory up ;)

Right, time for another slurp :)
B U U U U U U R R R R R R R P P P :p
F A A A A A A A A A R R R R R R T T:eek:

Sorry lads, must've been the ruby I had last night :eek:

Right, is there any bog roll left in the toilets....
mondo said:
Steady on Slob, She's a Geordie Burd yer no!!:eek: ;)

Indeed I am and I wasn't aroond cos I went home from work. Leave at 5.30 and chances of getting on the computer at yem is a rarity indeed.

Am I still barred? ..... I got barred from a biker's bar once, how bad is that! :eek:

But then I discovered it cos I was underage and barmaid knew she was getting raided. Let back in next day :)

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