It's a pub! Well I have a sad tale to tell boys and girls.

I'm 40 this month and me mum asks us what do I want for me birthday so I says: "pint of Hobgoblin please" - no actually I says: "an off-roading course, there's one in Durham." and she says: "what a stupid present (aaagrgh) think of something else." I'll end up with a flippin necklace or something now.....sob!

Ey!! nowt wrong wiv rubber lads!! ere aren't most of yer pants n mattresses made outta that yet?? (DUCK) :D:D
Eeeh !! be patient young discomania, what takes yer fancy tonight then - pint of Bent Beak? Ferrets Bum? or whats about some Nuns Knickers??:D
oi page one, i'm at what they call the inbetween stage meself, too old fer nappies too young fer the incontinence pants if yer catch me drift ;)
OOH!! caught yer drift alright Yella, you sure you don't want any of them rubber pants??:D tee hee:D

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