
As I lay sleeping the day away (I'm on nights this week) a bloke knocked on our front door, and out of curiosity the wife answered to see what he wanted.

This fella was a, well lets just say a man of no fixed abode with a caravan and his main form of transport was a Tranny van.

What are you doing with that old bath, can I take it, he asked about the metal bath which I'd just dumped behind the front hedge (out of sight of passing scrap-metal collectors, I'd hoped), to which she replied we want it, and no you can't take it. Well what about those ramps then? he asked, pointing to the car ramps which I'd carelessly left out. No, we want them too. Well do you have anything else, any othe scrap metal I can have? he asked as he craned his brass neck round the side of the house, eying up our trailer. No, she answered.

Well what about that then, can I take that? he said, pointing to my Freelander :doh:

I can't believe that of all the possible scrap metal we have that his last choice was the Freelander.
As I lay sleeping the day away (I'm on nights this week) a bloke knocked on our front door, and out of curiosity the wife answered to see what he wanted.

This fella was a, well lets just say a man of no fixed abode with a caravan and his main form of transport was a Tranny van.

What are you doing with that old bath, can I take it, he asked about the metal bath which I'd just dumped behind the front hedge (out of sight of passing scrap-metal collectors, I'd hoped), to which she replied we want it, and no you can't take it. Well what about those ramps then? he asked, pointing to the car ramps which I'd carelessly left out. No, we want them too. Well do you have anything else, any othe scrap metal I can have? he asked as he craned his brass neck round the side of the house, eying up our trailer. No, she answered.

Well what about that then, can I take that? he said, pointing to my Freelander :doh:

I can't believe that of all the possible scrap metal we have that his last choice was the Freelander.

......... could look at it this way, he was building up to the 'gold' strike! ;)
At least he asked :)
We get them regularly up my way - helped themselves to a Euro pallet I had leaning against my house, on my drive - left the cheaper wooden pallets!!
Lock everything up as even though you've said no, he'll be back for it anyway. Theiving gits.

Do you have a guard pig like the tratter boys?
Lock everything up as even though you've said no, he'll be back for it anyway. Theiving gits.

Do you have a guard pig like the tratter boys?

We have two English Bull Mastiffs, two Akitas, a Staffy and a Lurcher, he may be interested in the Lurcher, but I bet he can't run as fast as the other dogs can.

Needless to say, I had a quick tidy-up so nothings laid about anymore, apart from the Hippolander.....

It's a shame we don't have the right to give uninvited callers another type of precious metal - high speed lead!
We have two English Bull Mastiffs, two Akitas, a Staffy and a Lurcher, he may be interested in the Lurcher, but I bet he can't run as fast as the other dogs can.

Needless to say, I had a quick tidy-up so nothings laid about anymore, apart from the Hippolander.....

It's a shame we don't have the right to give uninvited callers another type of precious metal - high speed lead!

"High speed lead" nice one!lol I've got two staffies myself btw! :)
high speed lead LOL

shame the old barrels of a 12 bore couldnt come out of the window where the cartridges were filled with corn.:violent:

the worst my dog would do ( labrador ) would do is to drown him in slobber.

may i ask what is a Akitas please

cheeky S**t bag,

My neighbor has a classic 1950's Rover, he was lucky enough to find a spare block for it which he wrapped in polythene and stuck it round the back of the garage for the day when he might need it. One day he catches two "romany" tyes struggling down the drive with his engine WTF are you doing ask he, we thought it was scrap says they, put it back and "get orf my laaaand" says he. Thieving bastids.

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