Shame!! I'm gona need all the help I can get. No way I'm paying £300 labour costs.
Hey I'm gona ask Santa for my very own LR mechanic for Xmas :D Either that or a vet! Gotta cut down on my bills some how :)
i fail to see the relevance in yer last statement wiff ref to my previous post
I fail to see your references in a lot of your posts to previous ones, but do i complain bout yours then?

If I need to explain then you is in a worse state than I first thought :eek:
look just cos its too deep fer yer muddled wumun brain dunt means us men dunt understand it
who the miniman are you_? old father time?

old enough slob........old enough to find lrforevers original idea amusing,hes definately thinking outside of the box which i have to give him credit for.Right im off to play with the grandchildren.
think slob is refering to the expression " that takes the biscuit ",err,he's not keen basically,in fact he was surprisingly subtle and polite with his answer....odd !

Slob - odd - thats not nice. He is obviously tryin to get his, undoubtably appaling, language under control, although the reason may be mysterious. This should be encouraged at all costs. The use of "expletive deleted" or some such other expression (i have heard the word "miniman" quoted elsewhere) must be a better alternative to some of the anglo saxon phrases used by the verbose members of our forum. I am not sure that the expression "excuse my french" would cut the mustard for someone, say, living in France. May I take this opportunity to thank those members which are trying to curtail their colourful, if amusing, turns of phrase. I hope that the moderators are aware of the difficulty this may entail and congratulate the culprits for trying their best under trying circumstances.
Slob - odd - thats not nice. He is obviously tryin to get his, undoubtably appaling, language under control, although the reason may be mysterious. This should be encouraged at all costs. The use of "expletive deleted" or some such other expression (i have heard the word "miniman" quoted elsewhere) must be a better alternative to some of the anglo saxon phrases used by the verbose members of our forum. I am not sure that the expression "excuse my french" would cut the mustard for someone, say, living in France. May I take this opportunity to thank those members which are trying to curtail their colourful, if amusing, turns of phrase. I hope that the moderators are aware of the difficulty this may entail and congratulate the culprits for trying their best under trying circumstances.

Here! Here! :D

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