
Active Member
thought some of the wives/girlfiends most be a bit bored when their other half is logged on here, so why not let them have their own part, let them have a section where they can talk bout whatever they feel like?? anyone else think its a good idea? or do ya all think once they're on here the computer will never be free for u to go on ;) Mods? u reading this, wot you think?
bloody ell...........ohforgot,ur a youngster,u havent been around long enough to understand how funny that idea is ! :) The girls wud start reading all the threads that r full to the brim of b'**** and their very high opinions of their better halves would plummet !!!!
think slob is refering to the expression " that takes the biscuit ",err,he's not keen basically,in fact he was surprisingly subtle and polite with his answer....odd !
yer seems a bit more polite than norm! hmmm maybe they could be blocked from all the other cr*p we all post?! wel anyways 'taking the ****' is more in my kind of language, im more likely to understand it then ;) not saying that you people are nasty and talk like that -tounge firmly into my cheek-
fook that, cant yer tell hes a kid, i bet he still thinks gurls are great, fook that lad, wait till yer marry one, ask yer dad ;)
s'cuse me....
but what about us poor folks that don't have wives/g/friends then?
does this mean that if I have my own truck, then you want it so that I am not allowed on any such forum to discuss anything now then landroversforever?

utter bullc***

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