trouble is how do you know and prove it was done in the '80s depender parts would of been expensive then aswell
Well for a change, the seller seems to be switched onto the issues at any rate!

Its pretty simple really, if the identity comes from the donor Rangie then it could legally be tax exempt. If the identity comes from the Series3 its a ringer. I can't see the reg plate to check.

The points based system came in in the early 80's so documentory evidence of the conversion date would be essential to avoid any future issues for any potential buyer.
Haha asked him if it should be on a Q got this reponse:
if due to be re reg as "Q" thats what would be displayed on car its been rebuild on a 300tdi 1998 is that ok with you ?.
Cant find the details on the reg gyc 386k, can anyone else?

might have to ask a question or two ;) :D
new repsonse~:
i think most land rovers on the road in this country have had majour work carried out on them,when they get to this age i dont think this 1 is for you thanks for your interest.
Told him id pass the details to the DVLA, but he tells me VOSE have checked it.Take it their similar to VOSA?
Told him id pass the details to the DVLA, but he tells me VOSE have checked it.Take it their similar to VOSA?
yesterday I asked him if he could tell me what part or parts on the car were from 1972 that entitled it to be running on a K plate?

Surprisingly I've not had a response :rolleyes:

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