Been back a while but just reading fru freds now. :)

I had an great time, weather on the friday/saturday was not expected but was brilliant. Site and facilities were top notch, forgot me shower so i was stuck doing a drink and stink for 3 days :D

Was very nice to meet some new people and to put names and forum names and avatars to real people :lol: , also good to see the usual crowd as well. Hope to see everyone at future LZ get togethers. :) :tea:

Many thanks to Roy and Accy for there efforts, it was plain to see that a lot of effort went in to organising it, i will definitely be coming next year. Also thanks to BB,110W, Lakes Rob and Kirsty(accy's better half) for keeping me in food and drink and generally putting in effort above and beyond.

Also a massive thank you to the laning leaders and tail enders; Paul D and Top Cat, Pikey and Minty and Hideehi and John.

Many thanks to all in my group as well, some great banter and lovely people. Hopefully some one got some photos as i completely forgot my camera! :mad:
Had a few extra people turn up on the day for laning but we squeezed everyone in(thanks again Hidee and John). Glad there was no problems and everyone said they enjoyed it. :)

Muchos Love.

Ginge :D
Thank you got a great weekend, thank you blue beasty for the extra "fuel" hose and thank you yellow90 for the replacement fuel tank, I wouldn't have got home otherwise!!
see you all next time
Thanks to everybody who came, and especially to everyone who donated prizes/food/time. It was a brilliant weekend! The folks from Stanford Hall thanked everyone for their excellent behaviour and apparently, we are welcome there any time. Result.. LandyZone 11 is being planned...

That's good.

That's bloody good in fact .. ;)
Thank you got a great weekend, thank you blue beasty for the extra "fuel" hose and thank you yellow90 for the replacement fuel tank, I wouldn't have got home otherwise!!
see you all next time

Bet the missus was well impressed with that!
Being as how I 'as a posh County, wiv carpets n all, Ponty kindly sat on a towel after this. It was soaking when he got out:5bsmilielol5:
Right.....need to know who baked the banana and chocolate chip loaf went mad for it and I'd love to pinch the recipe pls :)

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