Big thanks to everyone who had anything to do with organising anything this weekend! Really good time was had and it was well worth the £150 in petrol!!
Yes mate, around 50 .. often 40, rarely higher!

A 19j keeps going, just doesn't keep going fast .. :)

Top weekend, great night Saturday night, thanks for the dance Bushwwacker, great playlist WLM, and some lovely people all weekend to talk to and shoot the sheet ...

Gotta say too, the lanes were as good and pretty as many I've seen. Not too technical, not too scratchy, mostly fairly easy but bloody picturesque with a (almost) guarantee not to damage the vehicles, great route Ginge.

'course, some people driving into ditches made for a good laugh too. What is it with LZers and ditches? Even the police were amused .. :)

Would do it again next week.
great time


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Top weekend :D a great team effort from everyone including the fine folk from Stanford Hall.

Roll on next year!
Great weekend been home a few hours but just got on internet... great to see all you guys... huge thanks to the organisers who put time and effort in to make this weekend possible...thanks to top cat, accy and kirsty who fed me all weekend, excellent lanin day yesterday thanks ginge for the route and organisation for the lanin. If ive missed anyone out i thankyou all.

To all the newbies that never met me before.... I aint sooooooooooooooooooooo bad after all..... :p

Thanks to pikey as always. :D

Few pics....

rest of em here...

Landyzone 10th Bash Photos by minty010 | Photobucket
I could only go for the day today so I missed out on the laning and Saturday night's entertainment but I still got to meet loads of people I've talked to on the forum and they all seemed my kind of people so I'm very glad I went! Seriously excited about the next one and even more determined to sort an off-roader for any other trips or meets in the meantime. Great day guys & gals, thank you! Buzz.

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