if you where at fault your insurance company could write the 90 off, however as you are claiming off a 3rd party`s insurance (the old guy) his insurance cannot write your car off no matter what the cost is. Do not let the landy out of your possesion i garrantee you will never see it again and the insurance company will insist on paying out as little as possible.
Get quotes for a new chassis, new axle, suspension wheels and tyres and steering components and all assocciated body pannels, tub cappings etc as they are obviously the parts that are damaged as a result of the accident, and insist that a landrover dealer carries out the repairs, the insurrers will have to put the vehicle back to how it was, ie no welded rear cross member, or bent axle or anything, they can not write your car off
if you where at fault your insurance company could write the 90 off, however as you are claiming off a 3rd party`s insurance (the old guy) his insurance cannot write your car off no matter what the cost is. Do not let the landy out of your possesion i garrantee you will never see it again and the insurance company will insist on paying out as little as possible.
Get quotes for a new chassis, new axle, suspension wheels and tyres and steering components and all assocciated body pannels, tub cappings etc as they are obviously the parts that are damaged as a result of the accident, and insist that a landrover dealer carries out the repairs, the insurrers will have to put the vehicle back to how it was, ie no welded rear cross member, or bent axle or anything, they can not write your car off

Wow thats fantastic news, I won't let them take the Landy I will insist on taking it to a garage of my own choice and get land rover or a specialist garage to do the work then.

Thanks for the advice everyone :)
Wow thats fantastic news, I won't let them take the Landy I will insist on taking it to a garage of my own choice and get land rover or a specialist garage to do the work then.

Thanks for the advice everyone :)

be prepared for a fight mate but stick to your guns and keep hold of landy.If they want to see it to access damage they come to you or you take it to them and bring it home.
it would be good to see it properly repaired & back on the road. It would be even better to hear that the old bloke has his licence permanently removed!

In my case, the damage was done by a speeding Peugeot 406. The car was found burned out, and the owner reported it stolen. The police believe he was driving it, I believe he was driving it, but the police wouldn't tell me who he is, though he lives very nearby! Mind you, with the condition the Landy was in he probably did me a bit of a favour, although I didn't get much for it (I was looking into major bulkhead repairs at the time!).

Good luck!
agree with all replies mate, ****e luck on your landie.

just a quick question here,
was your landie insured to be parked where it was?

nothing implied, just a question..
agree with all replies mate, ****e luck on your landie.

just a quick question here,
was your landie insured to be parked where it was?

nothing implied, just a question..

I'm not too sure to be honest mate, I insured it to be parked on the roadside outside my house but it was parked on the roadside outside my mates house, I was only there for the one night because I had a few too many in the pub Saturday night :p but I assume I am still insured, it can't be that your car is only insured when it's parked outside your house?
I'm not too sure to be honest mate, I insured it to be parked on the roadside outside my house but it was parked on the roadside outside my mates house, I was only there for the one night because I had a few too many in the pub Saturday night :p but I assume I am still insured, it can't be that your car is only insured when it's parked outside your house?
pre warned is pre armed me old mate - ok..
I might be wrong, but what easye1 might be getting at is where you told the insurance company you keep the car overnight. If you said it was kept in your driveway or garage, and it was hit on the road at your house, they may claim it was partly your fault for leaving it there, or that you were made aware that the insurer expected you to use the driveway.
Mine is nearly always in the drive, but leave it out if I intend to go out again soon - the insurer was happy to accept this in my case. It also depends what time the accident happened - if it was in the early hours, you'd be expected to put the car where you said you would.
I think in your case it wouldn't matter anyway, it would only apply if the car was at your own house; otherwise you couldn't go away overnight (which would make continental touring holidays interesting!)
The idea behind where its meant to be parked is just for the majority of the time, or at least thats what I can gather.

Say if your car was in the supermarket or on the street because you were out for dinner nearby and it got hit your points would then mean that the insurers could say it wasn't parked where you told us it would be
The idea behind where its meant to be parked is just for the majority of the time, or at least thats what I can gather.

Say if your car was in the supermarket or on the street because you were out for dinner nearby and it got hit your points would then mean that the insurers could say it wasn't parked where you told us it would be

If you're referring to my post, it's only about where you park the car at home. If you tell the insurer you keep it in the garage, but you parked it on the road outside, they could claim you took an unnecessary risk.
If you're referring to my post, it's only about where you park the car at home. If you tell the insurer you keep it in the garage, but you parked it on the road outside, they could claim you took an unnecessary risk.

I always thought it was the majority ?

But if its aimed at home parking and he wasn't at home he was staying at a mates surely it would be an allowed exception ?

I generally park on the street if theres no space on the drive but I'd think I'd still be covered as its not out of laziness more necessity
I always thought it was the majority ?

But if its aimed at home parking and he wasn't at home he was staying at a mates surely it would be an allowed exception ?

Yep, that was the point I was trying to make. The reason I made the comment was that when this happened to me, the insurance company wanted to know why I'd parked on the street when I'd told them it was usually parked in the drive. You may also be right about it only being the majority of the time though, even if it's only laziness, you still expect the insurance to pay out if you get hit!
It might also be worth pointing out that it was MY insurer that paid out, as there's no proof of who was driving the car that hit mine.
Sorry about your bad luck. Just to reiterate - dont let anyone take it away!!
I had a Mercedes that I ran into a low post in a car park. The only damage was a dented passenger door, but the quote to fix it was £2,300.00 just because it was a Mercedes and the quote was for a new door and a complete respray. The insurance assessor called round at 7am and never knocked on the door or phoned - he just left having written the car off. I had no choice and they paid me £1,500.00 for the car, which I bought back for £120.00! The car passed it's MOT two weeks later with no work - just a visit to VOSA to get it checked!
Yep, that was the point I was trying to make. The reason I made the comment was that when this happened to me, the insurance company wanted to know why I'd parked on the street when I'd told them it was usually parked in the drive. You may also be right about it only being the majority of the time though, even if it's only laziness, you still expect the insurance to pay out if you get hit!
It might also be worth pointing out that it was MY insurer that paid out, as there's no proof of who was driving the car that hit mine.

Hmmmm, well it sounds like a trick Adrian Flux might try and play :rolleyes:

Either way good luck to him
Hmmmm, well it sounds like a trick Adrian Flux might try and play :rolleyes:

Either way good luck to him

I am with Adrian Flux and I haven't heard too many good things about them! I am claiming through the 3rd parties insurance so hopefully they will be OK :scratching_chin:
Sorry about your bad luck. Just to reiterate - dont let anyone take it away!!
I had a Mercedes that I ran into a low post in a car park. The only damage was a dented passenger door, but the quote to fix it was £2,300.00 just because it was a Mercedes and the quote was for a new door and a complete respray. The insurance assessor called round at 7am and never knocked on the door or phoned - he just left having written the car off. I had no choice and they paid me £1,500.00 for the car, which I bought back for £120.00! The car passed it's MOT two weeks later with no work - just a visit to VOSA to get it checked!

Thanks, that seems to be the general consensus so I will make sure they don't get their hands on it. Even if it's a write off I will buy it back and fix at my own expense if I have too, unfortunately I am starting to think I undervalued it when I insured it, I valued it at what I paid for it which is probably less than it's actually worth..

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