The ultimate question! What’s the best?

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There's still a few people in England who are Punt-Gunning, but it's a very specialised sport. Imagine going out onto a tidal estuary in an open boat with only 3 or 4 inches of draught and no engine - scary if the weather changes or the tide does something unexpected.
A lot of the old guns were rendered obsolete by a change in the law that banned those with a bore bigger than 1.00".
They never found my 4 bore though!!!!!!!
We can't get diesel Rangies over here. none of the factory flyers list them, only the 4.2 and the 4.4. I think Volvo, Volkswagon and Mercedes are about the only imports that have available diesel engines. Thank the stupid assholes in our EPA and the short sighted manufacuterers on the other side of the Pacific and Atlantic for that. They'd rather swan about with hybrid cars than bring over the same models available for the rest of the world,

"Americans don't buy diesels"......That's because you don't import the flippin' things. I personally would love to have the option.

Oil companies back in the '50s & '60s lobbied the U.S. government to ensure production and import of petrol engined vehicles coz there was more profit in petroleum spirit.
Since the best Land Rover IMHO is the Discovery, and it's not listed I'll vote for the worst LR I ever owned, the Series 3. Prior to this my Series 1 did me well for years, was reliable and would go anywhere. Trading it in for a Series 3 was a bad move, it was utter rubbish, slow, unreliable and needed a football pitch to do a 3 point turn. So only kept it for a couple of years.

Defender 90 all the way, we all moan about the ride and comfort but millions sell every year??? People buy the disco because it's cheaper and then say it's more comfortable!! Wot a load of rubbish the real reason is cos your miss's wouldn't let you have a 90. Go on be honest lol.
You are lucky then lol my miss's is always moaning to sell the 90 and buy a disco, I said yes as soon as I retire!!!
or ask her for the 15k to buy a decent disco 3 for commuting and keep the 90 for everything else... although do you really need all those gadgets to make a journey comfortable...
I have just give her a new astra sporthatch but she don't like to use it down the horse yard!! Women you can't win lol

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