I've noticed that as soon as I've fixed a problem like a knackered UJ, the fact that I can't hear it clanking anymore allows me to hear another problem on the go; I find turning the volume up on the stereo tends to fix most of 'em!! :rolleyes:
I dont believe in this phenomenon however i do have atheory of my own, if it starts to rain whilst you are working on your Landrover/other vehicle. then its usually a good sign that things are going well, if it doesnt rain your screwed :D:D;)
Well, actually, I spose I have got 2 faults at the mo, if you define "serious" as potential MOT failure points. Me andbrake needs adjustin and me clutch peddle rubber as gone awol.

Mine has passed all its MOTs with no clutch rubber! Its failed some too, but not because of it. :eek:

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