
New Member
Hi guys,

Need your help! we have all seen on the various motoring programs it is possible to run a diesil on cooking oil, so my question is:
  1. what are the risks to the engine(yes we know the oil has to be filtered, don't want chips or fish in the fuel tank etc)?
  2. what do we need to add to the oil?
  3. what cooking oil is best (no smart answers please ...tesco is better than sainsburys etc ..ha-ha)?
  4. and what are implications if plod or customs and excise stop us?
this will be interesting so let the answers flow... coz I have'nt go a clue and would love to know the answers.

Kind :D regards

usa right boss ...isa gonna do it! ....boy o boy Boy o boy Boy o boy just dun a search ...gonna do it ....zipper-d-do-da-zipper-de-ya my oh my what a chip fat day..................

yes the disco tdi will run on straight vegatable oil. (svo).
or filtered waste oil.

we dont know the long term damages to the engine cause no one has done high mileage yet. its at your own risk.

you dont need to add anything to the oil.
any oil will do. a diesel will run on just about anything. esp an older diesel engine. the tdi and other common rail engines have certain problems.

and you must fill in the correct form for the tax man. there is duty to pay on any road fuel.


most peeps are using a percentage of svo and derv. i use 50/50 in the summer and down to say 10% in the winter.
svo is very thick compared to derv. so you really need to heat it up first.
so a heater and extra filters are really required. esp in winter.
a 2 tank system is the best. start on derv and switch to svo when hot. then shut down on derv. so the next starting is very easy.
im going to convert mine when i get time.

surf the net for more info, there is tons of it.
cap'in count us in, me and the cockswain be up for the adventure, shiver me timbers and splice the main brace i be gettin the jack ready as we speak!


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