
Well-Known Member
Read before looking at the pictures............

This happened a couple of years ago and I kept meaning to post the pics and the story but never got around to it.....

A bloke DROVE his 1.8 freelander to us and asked if we could have a look at an oil leak he has, receptionist came into the workshop and asked me to assist, I went into the showroom and was greeted by a very polite man in a suit. "Hello, I understand you have an oil leak?" "Yes, its been leaking for a few days and its making a mess on my drive, can i wait here for the work to be done as i have no way of getting home?" "sure" I said "but lets see what the problem is first and if it'll be a quick fix, we may have to rebook you if its not a five minute job." "ok" he said and sat on the sofa,
I grabbed his keys and went out to the forecourt to get his car into the workshop. And there it was, a red W plate 1.8 with the whole passengers side smashed in and covered in filth. " hmmm he looks after it doesn't he" I thought to myself as I climbed in and fired the bitch up, "jesus christ!!!!" I shouted as it was knocking its nuts off and running on three cylinders, "oil leak be ****ed, this things had it"

I chugged it round into the workshop and put it on my ramp, pulled off the undertray................

and this fell out onto the floor..................

And the hole in the block..........

It's astounding that this thing still drove and the bloke drove it into us and all he was worried about was an oil leak, not the fact it was just about running and making one hell of a racket.

I've seen a fair few engine explosions but this is the first time I've seen a con-rod make it all the way out of an engine and land in the undertray. And the bloody thing was still running!!!!!
so i guess you told him he couldn't wait !!

Eeeeeeeerrrrrrr, yeah!

Turned out, this car was a lease car with a "car care" extended warranty, I had to strip the engine for an engineer from car care to come out and inspect it. They rejected the claim because the engine had run out of oil due to lack of maintainance and chucked a rod as a result, the lease company wouldn't pay because its down to the driver to maintain and service the car, and even though the lease company will pay for servicing, the "owner" never had it serviced.

The nice bloke in the suit had to fork out for a new engine.
Was his HG good though?????

Thats class best ive seen, only one that comes close for me was a cooked Renault 5 mate had in his garage...the owner must have been related to that guy..temp went up as hed lost all the water. And he managed to keep driving it as fast as was possible (thats what he told my mate) to get it to his place before it got to bad...said i thought it would be ok as it was only water leaking..anyway the end is he didnt get to the garage phoned for a tow in and.....
Had welded the pistons into the block...
Fks wrong with some owners:confused: :confused: :confused:
Thats punched quite a hole, have heard of con rods coming up through the bonnet and smashing the windscreen..............could have been nasty.

Says it all if it was a lease car, no mechanical sympathy from any of the short term drivers.

Good to see the old girl was limping on three cylinders, down but not out

I like the way the piston has munched the valves, witness marks just within view at the top of the pic

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