S'no biggee. If the size of the convoy feels wrong we can split into two groups & draw straws for who gets the Dibnah. :p
The 26 th fine by me.

Pat alright to cadge a lift in BBB again (Crusty still got no roof)?

I dont mind map reading again.
Yup, I might have 'er indoors with us but there is plenty of room for all of us.
I haven't got hold of the TRF maps of the Plain yet.
the sheep mite encourage Yella to make an appearance!:rolleyes:

I like sheep.:)



Hmm... I spy a handlebar methinks! Either that int you in the 90 or you lie like a cheap watch ;)

I took the snap - that's another fella. Not my truck either.;) And DEFFO not my wife. She makes cashmere look a whole lot better.
Wife? Wot wife? I see no wives! Unless you mean the one with the 'andlebar in that pic - in which case, I see what you mean!
ere jb, you heard from matt lately

Yeah - last week. All is well in Franceland and the house is coming along a treat. Bought his dad the series (in need of a bit of tlc) and has some muddy boots on his Disco auto for off roading. Looks ace on Rostyles.

How ya bin yerself old chap?
aye ghood ta, it'll be good fer them tossers to lety you tag along, yer can show em how its done properly, you still got yer 50 then ;)
Yeah - still in one piece but getting bashed and biffed merrily out on the lanes. Got a wobbly diff pinion needs fixing - otherwise all is well.

Got a right tongue lashing about using it for what Land Rover intended the other day from some fella in a shiny. Told him - one life; get one.

Thanks for the welcome back.;) :)

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